Thursday, February 23, 2012

Casper and Cleopatra

This is my sister Cleopatra. This is a rare picture

as we don't sleep much together any more.

I feel bad for her as she wants to play with me
and I don't want to play anymore with her as

she get is a little rough and I'm getting older.

But I have to agree with Mom she is a

Pretty Girl.


The Florida Furkids said...

Cleopatra is furry purrty!

The Florida Furkids

Michelle said...

cute picture

Jans Funny Farm said...

You look cute sleeping close together.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Well, she needs a younger sibling to play with then. ;-)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you two are adorable, sometimes we just don't feel like playing though, do we?

meowmeowmans said...

You and your Mom are right, Casper ... Cleopatra sure is pretty. Maybe Cleo can come over and play with me (because my brofur Sammy is getting older, too, and doesn't really want to play with me very often).

Hugs to all of you,


Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Love the photo. You two enjoy your snuggle time together.

Pip said...

Me can tells Casper loves Cleo!
You two are great together.

GRAÇA said...

I leave just a ronronzinho`s friend

Pat Wahler said...

I think you are both quite beautiful.

Critter Alley

Marilynn said...

How nice that your mom could find this photo ... and here's hoping you two snooze near each other again in the future. =)

Love, Marilynn & Grace

the teacher's pets said...

I have a younger brother named Buster who thinks it is fun to boss me around but when it is time for sleeping he knows I need my beauty rest and he behaves the whole time I'm snoozing (or does he?)!
Thanks for reading our blog! We are you newest followers!

Anonymous said...

This is first time i visited this site

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Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

She is a very pretty girl. I don't like to play with Scylla anymore as she is way bigger then I am and she plays very rough. Luckily Arty plays with her and I play with Arty as she loves to play and never gets enough, Arty even plays with (gasp) the dog. ~Socks