Thursday, January 14, 2021

Dress Your Cat Day


Yep, mom dresses me up and I let her know I don't like it. You know she never seems to get the hint. 


pilch92 said... couldn't Bee any cuter. :)

Ananka said...

Great look :-D

messymimi said...

Oh, dear. Don't sting her, okay, she is really trying to just do fun things with you.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Gracie you are the sweetest Bee I can see, lovely yellow like honey, all for me! XOXOXO

Sasha said...

You don't like it because the hat is drooping over your head? I would refuse to dress up so I think you are very patient.

meowmeowmans said...

Gracie, you may not like it too much, but you look so cute!

The Florida Furkids said...

You do NOT look happy!!

The Florida Furkids

Photo Cache said...

What a good girl you are. If mom tries that with us, she'll be landing in ER. WE don't care for dresses.

Emma and Buster

Ingrid said...

You are too cute and you made me laugh !