Saturday, July 15, 2023

Our lost ones =(

 I know Grace and I haven’t written posts or comments here for quite a while, but we scroll through and read posts and comments often. Today’s email from Ann of Zoolatry truly broke my heart, and I’m hoping friends here will grieve with me.

I lost Grace (of Momma Grace and Company) in mid-April this year. We had already lost our Ruse in December 2019, so the loss of Grace affected Audace and me greatly. Our house is truly too quiet these days.

Today, though, reading that we’ve also lost Raz and Teddy recently breaks my heart all over again. I’m glad to see that others are stepping up to keep TCC going. Audace and I love reading the posts here … and remembering.

Marilynn and Audace


The Florida Furkids said...

Thank you for your kind word. Raz left for the Bridge in June and it broke our hearts. Fortunately, Tabby Cat Club member Teddy is still with us.
I wish more tabbies would post here. We miss everyone.

Mom Sharon and Angel Raz

meowmeowmans said...

Mom Marilyn and Audace, we are sad that Grace joined Ruse at the Bridge, and that your house is so quiet. We can only imagine. Love and purrs to you both.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Once you experience that horrible ache, you feel it strongly when your friends the same way.

messymimi said...

I am so sad for your loss.

Marilynn said...

When I lost a precious one in 2003, after a long illness, I was sent this poem. It’s still fitting.

“Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you.....
I loved you so -
‘twas Heaven here with you.”

– by Ilsa Paschal Richardson

XmasDolly said...

Hello my new friend just wanted to thank you for stopping by my "Monday's Music Moves Me" Post! Hope you enjoyed yourself and have a great day! :)

Gattina said...

In the last 7 years we lost 5 cats ! Fortunately they had a good and long life all made it to 19 and 20 years. Now I have Rosie left who lives with me but is also 16. It is so sad to loose a pet ! But in my heart they are still there !

J. S. Vila said...

All they gived love for a long time. Is important to remember they with love.

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Juno said...

To read house is too quiet makes us really sad. We're sending big hugs to you.

Juno and mom