Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Token of My Esteems

Hi! Sparky Spitfire here, reporting for Tabby Cat Duty! I chronicle the Amazing and Pro'lly True Adventures of Action Cats Like Me at .  My Assistant, Mrs. Whatsername, helps by typing and insisting on correct citations.  Like I has the time for that.

Anyway, I am late and all, for the "Why I love Mom..." event, but I has to say sumthin on this very important topic of love and affections and all that.

Which is this: Love? Yech. Who? Her!?!  "Love" is a pretty strong word for a woman whose name I can barely remembers.  But I guess you asked for a reason, so let me fink...

Well, I do love Mrs. Whatsername's thumbs.  Evaday, they open cans of stinky wet noms. Sometimes, they have cream cheese or butter on them so I can lick and lick and lick them like a Thumb Lollipop.  That's not so bad. Salty too.  

 In fact, her whole hand is kinda…well…handy I guess is the word for it.  Good for rubbing out itchy-nesses and picking out burrs that sometimes get stuck on my backside.  So embarrassing.  So long as they don't pick me up, I kind like those hands. When they skritch skritch skritch at that spot behind my ear - well, I guess I kinda sorta loves them.

So I makes them a gift, a small token of my esteems for teh hands I love.  Look! It fits.  Wear it well, Mrs. Whatsername. You deserves it.

*Head bonk* 

Cartoon Mom

Hi there Mahoney here and I am the spokes person for our large group of kitties, dogs and donkeys.
I just wanted to say that our Mom is older than dirt and she does not allow anyone to take her picture so we had to get our friend to help us with a cartoon

Hope everyone has a good day laughing at their peeps.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cartoon Mama by Abbi

Hi to all our friends!  Here's sort of my mama.  Her hair is parted to the right when it isn't messed up. My mama loves me.  She kisses me and she hugs me!  Here's me, Abbi:

Here's what I look like right after mama leaves for her bookkeeping job that we don't like:

Here's the beautiful sight in our kitchen and the reason why I wish a huge wish that I had thumbs and knew how to open cans (the arrow points to my favorite food):

Thank you, Oui Oui for this fun event and thank you to her mama for being so supportive of our mama.  We had a very bad past few weeks with our mama being so upset about Ateret's heart murmur.  Ateret went to a cardiologist today for an echo cardiogram, and she's just fine. Mama made a joke that next time Ateret tries to beat me up, she's going to swear that Ateret has a heart, because she's seen it on a computer. 

Kartoon Mom

Spyro here!  This is more or less what my Mom looks like.  She wears a barrette to keep her hair out of her face, but she looks like this before she combs her hair.

Cartoon Mom By Socks

 Well this is Cartoon Mom and she looks kinda like my Mom just younger and skinner. Hope the Mom doesn't see this post.
But then this is what she did to me, so she deserves to have me tell the truth about her. ~Socks

Moosey's Kartoon Dad

Hi Everybuddy!  It's me, Moosey!
I heard my Dad saying something about being " busy with work and other stuff, that we might not be able to participate in today's 'Human Kartoons' event."  Well, kitties, I had to put my paw down!  I mean, c'mon, what could possibly be more important than the Tabby Cat Club?

So without further ado, here's the dad, Kevin/meowmeowmans, in cartoon form!  He and the mom actually had lots of fun creating the avatar. :)

Thanks to our best pal Oui Oui and her mom for hosting this fun event!



Fuzzy Tales: Human Kartoons

Hey, we're actually participating in an event for a change! Wonders never cease!  :-p

Oui Oui at Twinkletoe Tails is hosting Human Kartoons--something to indicate how we see our human servants.

Let's face it, kitties, we felines aren't generally known for our altruism, and neither of us is the exception to the rule. We're mainly concerned with our creature comforts and being waited on as we deem proper for our Station in Life.

So, this, essentially, is how we see our human:

As a doorperson (we're gender non-specific here). 
Someone has to let us out to our garden every day.
As a can opener--if only we had the opposable thumbs!
Definitely as the pooper-scooper, and our human makes sure all the boxes are scooped out several times a day, as many times as needed. None of our boxes gets disgusting, we'll give her that.
But we also see our human as the giver of chin scritches and cuddles and smooches, even if we're not always keen to be picked up. LOL. (These cartoon pics below were done at and are of pics taken in June 2011, so last year.)
We know we have it pretty good with her. She's not perfect--if she were, we'd never go to the dreaded v-e-t and we'd be able to eat as much kibble as we wanted, and eat Temptations by the bagful, daily. But she does all right by us.  :-)

Thanks to Oui Oui for offering creative suggestions for this post, in the email sent to the group. Otherwise our human certainly wouldn't have been able to think of anything!

-Nicki and Derry

My Kartoon Mom

Kitties, how should I portray the mom?  There are so many options!

 By what she does?

 Or what she provides?

 The special treats she gives us?

 Perhaps the entertainment she supplies?

Or even the cozy warm places to sleep.

All in all, I'd say if you put it all together, 
this is what you get:

A crazy cat lady!

Oui Oui

Lego Mom

Goodness Gracie's Lego Mommie
Well this isn't the best but the best we could do. This is my take on my mommie as a lego. I picked out the shirt she wore. Do you like it?
A special thank you to Oui Oui for hosting this fun event!!

Human Kartoons

Angel Tamir had this post all ready to go before he left for the Bridge.  We hope you don't mind that we are letting it post today.

Today's event is Human Kartoons Hosted by Oui Oui

Yes, this is another pitiful attempt by our Mom to do a Kartoon.  This sort of looks like her (minus the wrinkles!).

We're not sure where those freckle thingys came from...they really should be wrinkles.....and why does she have a microphone in her hand?

We're sure our other pals did a lot better at this than we did!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

How I Tell My Mom I Love Her By Clementine

This is how I like to tell My Mom I love her!!

 First I Give Her a Little bite.
 Then I kiss it better!
 Next I give her hand a little lick.
Then Finally I give Her the bitey again!!
I mean what's a girl to do??
Love & Hugs, 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Angel Tamir

It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that we have lost a member of the Tabby Cat Club. Sweet Tamir went to the bridge yesterday. The words are hard to find and we are never the same once a furrie touches our heart then has to leave us.

Sweet Tamir
Tamir and I had been dating since late spring and how lucky I was to have him in my life. We shared many adventures: birthday parties, watching the fireworks, going to the summer Olympics, romantic dinners, treasure hunts, surfing, and just teleporting over to each other's place to have alone time.
Gracie & Tamir
Because he is my mancat I wanted to let everyone know and his mommie to know how important he was to me. Things will be different without having him here but my life is different from having him here. How fortunate to say that he was my dear sweet friend and mancat.
Love you furever~miss you always.

~Until we meet again~

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tamir is an Angel

Our Sweet ManCat Tamir has gone to the Bridge.  We have a post up at our blog HERE.

Thanks to the Tabby Cat Club for being such a fun club for him to join and thanks to his wonderful LadyCat Gracie for all her love and support.  Mom is a mess right now and can't really type more.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tamir Needs Purrs

One of our club members is in need of some purrs!!

This just came in this afternoon from Tamir's mom.
" Hi Gracie,
We just got home.  You would be so proud of your ManCat…he was such a good boy!!  The vet said he thinks it’s Tamir’s kidneys.  He gave him some fluids (he looks like a cute camel), a vitamin shot and an acid reducer.  They stole some of Tamir’s bloods and will get the report tomorrow.  From his breath (Tamir’s not the vet’s) he’s pretty sure it will show kidney problems but it could also be diabetes or hyperthyroid. 
We’ve had 2 crf kitties and a crf woofie, so we’ve been here before.  If it is crf we hope we will be able to mange things with fluids and Tamir will be around for a long time!
Tamir’s under the bed right now but he sends his love.
Tamir’s Mom"

I received a message from Tamir's mommie this morning.

"Hi sweet Gracie….Tamir’s Mom here…
Tamir needs some prayers and purrs.  The last few days he's been a bit punky.  Last night he totally refused both treats and stinky goodness.  I weighed him this morning and he's down a  pound :(  We have a V-E-T appointment at 10:30.  I'm really worried about my boy.
Tamir’s Mom"

The Tabby Cat Club is hosting an event today~Show Us How You Let Your Humans Know You Love Them, hosted by Sassy. The posts are below Tamir's post today.

How I show my kittie Luv

My lady almost missed another event! she is a terrible secretary!!!!

I show my people love in the best of ways - I put my hairs EVERYWHERE so they can think of me ALL THE TIME!

Here are some places I like to put fuzzies: on the couch, on the floor, on the bed, on every piece of clothing in the place, in the coffee pot, in their food, in their underpants, under the table, on blankies, in their shoes, in their face! Need I go on?

I also let them snuggle with me, this must mean I like them I guess

How I Show Mommie My Love

I show Mommie my love by (like many other kitties here) letting her sometimes touch my tummy.  On a very limited basis.....only when absolutely necessary......

Love My Folks

I love my humans soooooooo much I don't even know where to start on saying how I show it. I think first of all is, and I love to hear the mom say it, that she and the daddie were always doggie folks and never had a kittie. But I have spoiled them by being a very happy lap cat. When they are sitting down I am always on someone's lap. The mom and I spend a lot of time together, I watch her when she is working for me on the computer. With that being said I will now list other reasons on how I show my folks that I love them.

2. I let them give me treats
3. I let them sleep with me and share the covers
4. I pretty much let the mom or dad pick me up whenever they want to
5. It's tough but I let them snuggle me and the mom even gives me kissed
6. They are always so agreeable when I am trying to train them, and they are fast learners
7. I allow her to brush me, though after about three strokes of the brush I am done

I could go on an on all day but I am feeling a little sleepy and the time for zzzzzs is near. So for now I say good day!

I love you Mum

Mum, I love you

so much that I will

let you do tummy rubbies





How Do I Love You?

Let me count the ways:

I follow you everywhere, getting under foot.
I wake you every morning so you are ready to face the day.
I purr beside you at night and when you aren't feeling well.
I race you up and down the stairs.
I leave little reminders around the house, so you think of me.
I greet you when you come home from work.
I make your day exciting, in so many ways.
I bring a smile to your face.

I'm just a kitty, and I can't count that high, but a lot of the things I do, I do for you.

Oui Oui and The Girl

Oui Oui 
Twinkletoe Tails

How I show my Mom I love her by Tamir

Today's event is Show  Us How You Let The Humans Know You Love Them
Hosted by Sassy

First I want to show you how I allow her to rest her arm under my legs.  I do this ever night to show her  how much I love her.  Of course, she isn't allowed to move her arm at all! comfort is impawtent too!

This video will show you how I let her know I love her by letting her give me belly rubs!!

Notice how I am purring at the end?   That makes her feel good too!!!

I can't wait to see the other posts (especially Gracie's)!