Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter from Raz and The Florida Furkids

Happy Easter to all of my friends!!!  I hope the Bunny brought you lots of treats in your basket!!

Ellie, Allie, Cousin Trooper, Clifford, Cubby and Angels Tamir and Sniffie wish you a happy Easter too!!


Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Happy Easter to you too!

Cats Herd You said...

Happy Easter to you, too! We love the photo of you and the stuffed animals.

Jans Funny Farm said...

The same to you. And Auntie El.

Unknown said...

Happy Easter! I hope you get to go rabbit hunting!

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Easter, sweet friends. We love you all lots!

Unknown said...

I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Easter.
*Cairn cuddles*

Debra Taylor said...

Happy Easter to all of you wonderful kitties and 'beans. Thanks for commenting on my blog. And have a great week!

Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some informative posts and stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.
Debby in Arizona

Talk to Your Angels and Pets

Anonymous said...

wow! you look so surprised by those bunnies. hope they didn't say somefing offensive. you know how they talks like sailors sometimes. Happy Easter and Merry Spring to all of you - head bonks, Sparky

Donna said...

O hai! Happy Easter!! :)

The Chair Speaks said...

We know it's a bit but better late than never. Happy Easter! Purrs!

Michelle said...

Happy Easter to you also. Just wanted to let you know I found something that worked great for my cat ( Dusty ) joint problems. Her joints were swollen and painful. I found Zuke's Hip Action with glucosamine and chondroitin at our local pet store. It took about a week ,but man what a different. She still limps some days when it really cold out. The big differences is she is now coming down stairs. She walks around the house, and even went out yesterday to lay in the sun. Before this all she did was lay in her bed or on mine. Hope this helps other cats out there that have arthritic. Thank you to everyone who helped me find answers for Dusty. And most of all to Tabby Cat club for their kind words.

Ingrid said...

We did nothing this Easter ! and Arthur refused to lay an egg !

linksdistodaquilo said...

Happy Easter!! :)

fidel said...

That good order of thought,Pascuas wants to say jaaaammooon.Happinesses.

Timmy Tomcat said...

A bit late wishing you a happy Easter.
Purrs Florida Furends