A Big Tomcat Family Meow-Out to Oui Oui for hosting this Grrrrreat event!
OK all you cool tabby cats lets get this Blog-A-Postin!
So I bet you are all wondering what is up with that name, Conshohocken. It is an American Indian word that means pleasant valley. Conshohocken lays on the North side of the Schuylkill River about ten miles West of Philadelphia's City Avenue.
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X Marks the Conshy |
This is our Dad's hometown too and...
Buddy Meows: "Well Duh Timmerz!"
Buddy! Of course we know that but our friends may not.
Where were we, oh yes, so Dad grew up here right on the main drag through town, Butler Pike, and the locals said they lived in "Conshy."
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Butler Pike during Holidays |
Conshy grew due to the river. This was a steel town. Barges traveled the river and carried the finished steel to Philadelphia where it was manufactured into all the products that allowed our Country to grow. Lots of Dads friends fathers worked at the plant, Allen Wood Steel. Dad fished and had lots of fun in the woods that were all around his house.
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A very nice river ran through it |
The main street was lined with shops of all kinds. No malls back then. There was even a movie theater with one screen, imagine that.
Dad says this has always been a cat friendly area and you would see one or two kitties lounging on a porch, napping on a lawn sun puddle, or, enjoying a stroll. His family had a small diner and there was always a cat around to get him learning and loving us when he was a kitten himself.
Buddy Meows: "Dat wuz when dere be Pterodacty burds huh, waznt dere, huh?"
We are not Meowing with you Buddy. Chill cat chill
The special part of our town is the help it gives to those in need. Many caring hoomans volunteer to help cats. How special and cool is that.
The group our Dad fosters for and helps with events is Spay and Save. They help lots of kitties of all ages and types. There are foster families for kittens, adults, elders and even those with FIV. That is how we got Mr Buttons. I am very proud of Dad working with this group as they saved me. Yes that is right. I was saved, Mom was spayed, the rest is Tomcat Home history.
Another special group is The Cat Crew. Sue and Jo are pals of Dad. Jo used to come over and wrestle with the vacuum monster. Whew. There were some epic battles. They would go up and down the stairs, all around the living area and end up in the sleeping place where she would finally get it locked away in the little dark space. We never could figure why she would let it out again. Oh well.
We always liked when Jo came over. After the wrestle match she would give us nice pets and head scritches. She had four kitties of her own but we used to smell oodles of other cats on her. Dad said she has a whole bunch of feeding stations for homeless cats and does Trap-Neuter-Return. He gets her those huge bags of cat food.
We were snoopervising her and Dad one day and over listened that she did over three hundred kitties last year. Amazing. Sue and Jo finance most of this work with a small bit extra from Spay and Save. Wow. Even with a discount that is a lot of kitty help. We told Dad to donate a bit of our allowance to help out. That sure makes you feel good.
For one last reason Conshy is special is Kitty Cottage. This is a No-Kill Cats Only Shelter. When a cat is brought in they get a good medical exam with shots if needed, they get a chip and when they are ready they have the run of the place. No cages. Some may need the quiet room due to not getting along but many of those cats are just scared. Once they calm down they join everybody else. Our Toby comes from Kitty Cottage.
Thanks for reading about our hometown that is special, Conshohocken.
Timmy Tomcat
Thanks for sharing about your neck of the woods :-0
Gosh it's so clean!
Great job, Timmy! I really like that beautiful river. And I LOVE how Conshohocken is so cat-aware and cat-friendly! And Mommy and Daddy do, too. :)
Mom has actually been to your hometown!!
Thanks for sharing your Hometown with us!!
Raz and The Florida Furkids
Ah stillz thinker dat der waz Pterodacty burds dat Dadz player wit! Hmph.
Yer Buddy
Buddy Budd
What an awesome home town you have, Timmy. It sure makes me want to come visit. Maybe we will drive up this summer, you aren't that far away!
Your town sounds like one of those places mine mommy likes to go to. Her speshully likes local lunch places. Which would you recommend?
Sue and Jo are very speshul!
Thanks for sharing this. We like the illuminations and the river looks pretty too. Also well done for promoting the work of Kitty Cottage and the others.
Hi , Timmy Tomcat !
Thank´s for sharing your hometown with us !
My mom-person visited Philadelphia in 1988 = a long long time ago that is *mol*
Hi Timmie! Our The Girl goes to collich in Doylestown, so you probably see her at the grocery store! Its very lovely in your area so I understand why she wants to stay there, and its nice to know the people love cats, even the ones who need some help. Its very heartwarming, so thanks to your dad and all the wonderful people. And thanks for sharing, this was great.
What a beautiful and clean place. We enjoyed reading about it. :) Abbi Leala
Your town sounds like the do like cats! Mom dated a guy from not too far away, outside Philly. She liked the area a lot.
cats of wildcat woods
Your town is beautiful and the people are wonderful to do so much for cats.
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