Grab a hat or a hair bow and get ready to party...
We have niptinis for the adults and shamrock shakes for the kittens....
Find a place at the table....
Aren't the goodie bags nice?
No party would be complete without an Irish coffe with nip sprinkled on top.
Now that you had a good, strong Irish about a rousing version of When Kitty Eyes are Smiling????
Have a Hello Kitty cupcake...
Did you see Gracie and Raz on the Tabby Cat Club float in the parade?
Who's ready for some St Patrick's Day Bingo?
Did you win? Here's your prize...

If you need to snooze a bit....enjoy our special St Patrick's Day beds.....
I hope you enjoyed the Tabby Cat Club party......remember to take home a special favor.
If you had a bit too much nip or Irish coffee....remember to use the teleporter to get home.
Wow Raz this is a FABULOUS Saint Pat's Day pawty and I'm glad all our snow didn't keep me from teleporting here for a good time!
Irish Hugs,
Sammy O'Kimmell
What a fantastic party, Raz, you've outdone yourself!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone at the TCC!
Nicki & Derry
The Irish Coffee is the perfect way to start the morning. Thanks for throwing this terrific party Raz. ~Socks & Scylla
I’m here with the music! Let’s start this pawty! Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
Thanks so much Raz and all of the great furends who make the Tabby Cat Club the place to visit fur fun!!
Purrs my furends
Timmy O'Tomcat and Miss McFitz
Nip beer? Don't mind if I do. Thanks!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Wooooo hooooooooooo!! What an amazizng pawty!!! HAPPY HAPPY ST.PADDY'S DAY!
This is some bash, Raz! Fank you SO much for everything. Happy St. Catrick's Day! :)
This is a great pawty.
What a cool party! Thank you Raz, you out did yourself! And how sweet of you to think of the teleportation tunnel so we don't have to drive! Top o' the mornin' to you!
Mes was watching Raz dance and mes listed Jo-Jo! Last mes saw was indulging in the niptinis!
Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!
(Happy St. Patrick’s Day!)
Póga Nellie
Kisses Nellie
You have outdone yourself! I think you have been taking notes from Allie on how to throw a party. I had so much fun and was watching from a distance but able to catch up with you. I loved being on the float with you. Actually I love doing anything with my little bro. The food and drinks were delicious.
Now back to the party.
Oh, did you remind the last one to leave to turn off the lights.
We are all here having a great time. Thank you, Raz, you really know how to throw a great bash.
Spyro and the gang
What a fun pawty. Thanks for throwing it. Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
Checking in this morning to see if everyone arrived home safely.
Raz, I will help with the clean up here. Again, many thanks for hosting this fun party. You did a fantastic job.
Magnificent pawty, Raz!! We LOVE it!!
Grace & Marilynn
I saw a picture on Reddit this year in which Chicago dyed their water green. Whoa now that's some St. Patties spirit!
Wow, this pawty is incredible!!!
So green and verdant... pawesome!
Basil xox
Yikes, you sure know how to throw a pawsome pawty xxoxxx
Mollie and Alfie
Raz we had a furry luvly time to be sure at your St Pats pawty..we haz been late getting round to say fankz coz we nipitni too much!!! but hoorahz...big lovies Dinnermintz an Pickles xxxx
Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
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