Monday, September 25, 2017


As I only have access to photos of my mom that are already on the computer, I was unable to come up with anything too, too embarrassing. In this photo, however, she is wearing glasses as big as windshields. It was taken in the late 70s. She is holding Jelly Bean, a wild baby bunny she and Dad Tom raised after its mommy was hit by a car and killed. When he was old enough to fend for him/herself, they let him go and he ate his way down the hill behind their house, which was covered in vegetation.

Sorry Mom. I love you, Cooper Murphy


Anonymous said...

Oh I love that photo of your Mom with Jelly Bean......and know what else? My Mom had goggle-glasses too so tell your Mom not to feel bad about it because that was VERY VERY "IN" back then!!!!

Hugs, Teddy

Photo Cache said...

Oh what a sweet photo.

Emma and Buster

Timmy Tomcat said...

Our Dad says he lived at that wild and zany time and has some interesting clothes up in the attic. Well done Cooper
Miss Fitz

H.R. Bennett said...

Reminds me of my own mom. And don't feel bad; I've only got a single picture of her at this point. Treasure what you have. :)

Ingrid said...

I had the same glasses, lol ! Was very much in fashion !

The Adventures of The Bell Fur Zoo said...

Awe dat are a sweet story!! Mama best friend had glasses dat big too but in da 80's.

Matilda (& Matt)

R's Rue said...


Goldie and Banshee said...

so cute!

Marg said...

We think that is a great picture and so glad that the baby bunny got rescued. You all have a great day.