Hello Tabbies! Sparky Spitfire here! Are you ready for the spoooooky times? Cuz they is here, you know. Long shadows. Short days. Full moons. Creaky bumpy noises in teh darks of teh nights. All that great stuffs.
So I asks you - Wut makes you a Scardey Cat?
Now, my sistah, Upstairs Suzy, on teh other hand, has, shall we say, issues.
Suzy has been here a lot longer than me, so she must have a good reason to not ever EVER come downstairs, but I has looked and looked for these monsters and small childrens she is so worried about, and I can't find any.
The peeps has to promise her it's safe so she'll come down to eat. And when she does, there is always something that makes her shoot straight up in the air, mid gulp of cat food, and race back up stairs. Like, say:
- cabinet door opening
- cabinet door closing
- yaptastic dog next door
- newspaper crinkling
- monster truck rally ads and right-wing talk radio
Like, the house is not vacuumed simply cuz Mrs. Whatsername is lazy. That kind of thing sends Suzy into catatonic shock for days.
But in general, as long as the house is quiet and no one ever drops a fork or makes popcorn, Suzy is pretty happy. She is quite fine with her Under Teh Bed space that she occupies 23 hours of teh day. No shame in that.
And that's all for our Scaredy Cat Tails, so now it's your turn to....no.
Mrs. Whatsername is giving me that look.
No! No! I is not scared of nuthin, I tells you! No! Don't post that picture! NOOOOOOOOOES...
Mrs. Whatsername is giving me that look.
No! No! I is not scared of nuthin, I tells you! No! Don't post that picture! NOOOOOOOOOES...
Oh! So awful, the Shut Up Box of Trapped Kittens! gasp! can't BrEEEEEEthes...tiny, enclosed spaces...no exit...pant...pant...no! no moar!!!
Oh, Mrs. Whatsername, you are a horrid, horrid woman.
What makes you a Scardey Cat?
Everything scares our Derry-bear. The mom gets a jug of water? Derry runs. The mom picks up a mat to shake out? Derry runs. The mom has laundry and/or bedding in her arm? Derry runs. And heaven help us when there's a knock at the door the doorbell rings!
Now, Nicki's another matter. About the only thing that scares him is the PTU, the taxi ride and the vet/vet clinic!
BTW, our mom was supposed to schedule a post for this....We'll see if we can get to do something, but it's tough to motivate her, especially on the weekend.
Only the V.E.T. and halloweenie costumes Moms wants us to wear!!
Bring on the mousies!!
We're pretty brave until the big sucky monster comes out.
The Florida Furkids
If you didn't see yesterdays post re missing furry friend can you pop by and see if you can help. Anything we can do will be greatly appreciated. Have a happy Monday.
Best wishes Molly
I have been known to get spooked by random things and jump straight up but i really hate the sucky monster! I will hiss and try to attack if it gets to close!
I hates the ebil vet and the sucky monster and small beans.
xoxo Kassey
oh, sucky monster sends Suzy into shocks. she won't come outta closet for days. And small beans...forgots about dem. I just leaves. they is just too too horribles.
As for Halloweeny costumes...Mrs. W. knows betta, right? I mean...she would neva, eva...I mean...hmmmm...mebbe I betta go hides inna closet wif Suzy...
We hate it when something scares us mid-meal!
vacoom cleaners and flashy boxes are the scarey ones for sure!
Moosey thinks the doorbell or a knock on the door is scary. And strangers in the house, too. His brother Sammy isn't scared of much at all. :)
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