I just wanna thank everyone for all the wonderful welcomes they've given me here at the Tabby Cat Club. I'm not quite sure how this works just yet but I should be able to figure it out... eventually. At least I hope so! Yeah... I will.
Gracie's mom made me the prettiest badge. Thanks so much Gracie's mom! I really like it a lot. I've got it on my blog now and everything.
If everyone would just tell me what to do when I need to do stuff, that would be great. Like I said, I'm not quite sure how this works. I've never been in a club before. But thanks, in advance, for all your support. Really appreciate it. Really, I do.
I was wondering... Can I make a little announcement here? Sammy, over at onespoiledcat, is running a contest right now for the naughiest anipal. You get to vote and everything. Well... the little tabby cat in the plant pots? That's my sister! Yup. My sister Tobias. Oh, she sleeps in the peep's plants all the time. Drives the peep crazy. Just wanted to let everyone know Tobias is my sister 'cause you might not know her otherwise. Thanks. That's my plug for the sis.
I can't tell you what you need to do cuz I don't know either, but I can say you are looking really handsome in that badge of yours! Welcome to the club!!!! Maybe all you need to do is go crazy on the nip!?!
Hi Niaay! We just saying hello and visiting. We glad you joined. Gosh there are a lot of pretty kitties here. We have some tabby too.
Hugs to you.
Hi Nissy, so glad you joined the bestest club around, and your badge is super pretty, it looks good on your bloggy too.
It's not hard at all to post things to the club, at least I don't think, the Momma usually sets that kind of thing up. Miss Gracie is the queen of all Tabby knowledge and will help you with anything you need. the Momma said you can email her too,its
cherrycitykitties AT gmail (dot) com
Welcome, Nerissa! There's usually something fun going on here--Gracie lets us know the upcoming events and she has them posted here too--one of the pages is for events! :-)
When there's an event you want to take part in, you just log in to Blogger Dashboard, go into the TCC and create and schedule your post!
Welcome to the club! Always so happy to have a new member and so looking forward to getting to know you better.
I would say you are doing fine and so happy that you have your first post up already. Maybe I should have you do a workshop for those that need their humans to work for them.
There are no rules here except one and that is you must be a tabby kittie to join the club. Other than that this clubhouse is your clubhouse. You may post whenever you want to. I usually go over to CB to Mr. Linkie when I do and link to the club. We do have fun events through out the month and the mom or the one hosting the event sends out an email reminder to everyone. There is a calendar at the top of the page to give your human a heads up so they can get your post ready. Whenever you want to host an event just email me and tell me what the event is and when you would like to host it. By hosting I mean it is your idea and your name will be mentioned on the calendar. I usually check out the TCC at least once a day us to make sure I don't miss anything that is going on. Again, welcome new friend.
Welcome to the TCC! You're going to love it here.
Raz sponsored an event yesterday (What's your favorite toy?) and you can still post if you would like!!
Raz and The Florida Furkids
Glad you told us about your sister. ~Socks
WELCOME to Tabby Cat Club , Nerissa !
Welcome, Nerissa!
Welcome Nerissa! We'll stop by and check out what Tobias is up to. We hope you have fun here at The Club.
Nissy! you look like you mean business in your badge picture. I'll bet that's the same "oh, no you don't" look you give mices and strings before you pounce. welcome to teh club and have funs!
Hiya, Nerissa! Welcome to the Tabby Cat Club! You are going to LOVE it here, 'cause there's always fun stuff to do, and the bestest friends ever. Gracie is pawsome, and she always gives us advance notice on events and stuff. :)
We'll go and check out that voting thing with Tobias. You are sure a nice sister!
Hi Nerissa - sorry I'm late welcoming you but Mum took me to the nasty stabby vet place yesterday and I didn't get chance to visit.
Hope you enjoy being a member of the TCC.
Luv Lucy xx
Oh, thanks so much for all the wonderful welcomes to the Tabby Cat Club. I think you're all right. I AM gonna have fun here. I really, really am. purrs
We are so happy to have you in the TCC!
Love, Sherlock, Ash and Traveler xx
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