Today, as my first post, I thought I'd share with you a close up of where my tabby whiskers come from:

As you can see, I have dark whisker-dots from where my whiskers sprout. I have some black whiskers, and some white whiskers, but many of them are "ticked," meaning they are black at the roots, but white on the outsides! My Mum says it makes it look like my whiskers are floating off of my face. It also makes them difficult to photograph in detail. I hope you enjoyed my whiskers, I am very proud of them.
When my Mum finds my whiskers lying around the house, she puts them in this frog which she has to keep out of my reach because I wanna kill it:

Maybe a little weird! But you can see at least one of my "ticked" whiskers. And I think she is very sweet to treasure such important pieces of me this way.
Those are furry handsome Whisker-Dots Abby - very cool.
Luv Lucy xx
Those ticked whiskers are very interesting. ~Socks
Hi there, Abby!
I love your whisker dots and ticked whiskers! You *should* be proud of them, because they are beautiful. :)
That frog sure looks funny ... it's as if IT has pretty Abby whiskers, too!
Have a nice day!
Your new TCC pal,
Wow, how did Mom get that picture of your whisker-dots. That is really good. We probably wouldn't let our Mom get that close. Nice to meet you.
That is a fabulous photo of your whisker dots! And at our house, Dad has a Whisker Bear Beanie Baby on his dresser with our whiskers on it too!! We are so happy to see your Whisker Frog, and know that our parents aren't the only ones who do this!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, and Sky
P.S. A few of us are Tabbies, and will be applying for admission to the Tabby Cat Club soon.
Your whiskers are beautiful!!! I save all the kitty whiskers that I find around the house but sticking them in your frog is inspired :-) Hopefully my Archie will be joining the club soon.
Great introduction, Abby. And nice shot of your ticked whiskers. How neat your mom saves your whiskers for your frog.
Excellent macro-shot of your whisker dots!
Our mom saves our whiskers too, but doesn't do anything cute or funny with them like YOUR mom does!
Beautiful whiskers, loved the close up. Not sure about your green friend though. Scary.
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