Saturday, October 19, 2024

Happy Halloween

 I know it's been quite a while since I've last been here.  Mommy retired, starting go to the Senior Center, worked at the pool over the summer, router died on Monday so finally remembered to show up.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Happy Tabby Cat Day


 Today is a super special day for the TCC since it is National Tabby Cat Day.  We're sure lucky to be Tabby Cats and to also be members of the Tabby Cat Club.  

Angel Raz and I hope all our friends have a great National Tabby Cat Day!

Angel Tamir is probably celebrating National Tabby Cat Day at the Bridge with Angel Raz and all of our Tabby friends who have gone OTB.

Did you know he was the 35th member of the club?

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Hoppy Easter

 Wishing one and all a very Hoppy Easter.

Due to the migration of Frontier and Yahoo, mommy no longer has access to her Frontier mail and it's driving her to the end of her rope in frustration.  All the e-mails about this went to her spam mail and you know what happens to them, delete.

Mommy is going to the Senior Center for fun 4 days a week now.  Today she walked 1 mile in about 30 minutes.  They do art, chair yoga, sing, play cards and have lunch.  Fun way for her to stay busy now that she is fully retired and on social security.

Don't eat too much this week, especially no chocolate.  Bad for us kitties and even humans.

Hugs, Bunty

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Tigger Sadly Announces Daisy Mae Earns Her Wings...

 Hi Tigger here well... actually I am Angel now and have been for a while but I am here to tell you that my Sister Daisy Mae (not from the same litter) well I had to open up the gates to the Rainbow 🌈 Bridge so she could come in and join me and all the other pets who earned their wings too. I sure have been a very busy Angel trying to comfort Mother Sister Crystal and her family who are just so broken up and brokenhearted over the passing of Daisy Mae. Mother Sister Crystal and her Dad helped her across the Rainbow 🌈 Bridge on the early Morning of Monday. February 12, 2024. DAISY MAE do not worry I your Sister Tigger will make sure that you will get along just fine. Also, every so often we will even visit Crystal and her and her family as Butterflies and Cardinals yep, my new little Angel we can do that now since we both have wings.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

New Year thoughts

 It's 2024 and a new start.  Mommy is on Social Security and is bored silly with nothing to do and all day to do it.  The weather is rotten, cold, snowy, rainy and gloomy.  I am doing just fine and dandy.