Saturday, May 31, 2014

Hug Your Cat Day

June 4
Graphic by Ann at Zoolatry
We all love them, those hugs.
Post your favorite photo of you getting some hugs and love.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Hey all!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I was interviewed by our pals over on Jan's Funny Farm for Mousebreath Magazine!

The interview is in today's edition and is called Nerissa the Whisk Tech.  hehehe...   And Seville is super pleased 'cause he got to answer a question, too.

Nissy and Seville

Sunday, May 25, 2014

~ Indy 500 Race ~

PART II ~ Indy 500 Race
NOTE: Scroll down for other posts and the prerace party.

~ The Indy 500 Race ~ 
What an exciting morning at the speedway, in case you arrived last check out the post below for the morning's activities. Sammy, Raz, and Gracie welcome you to the race and now it is time to head  

Allie, Gracie, & Raz
Graphic by Gracie
inside to find our seats before the opening ceremonies start.
Sammy the TCC Network Announcer
Graphic by Sammy
 . . . and now to Sammy who is down on the track to get the ceremonies on the way before the race starts . . .
. . . Please take a few moments of silence to remember  the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Forever gone but never forgotten.
Driver Gracie
Graphic by Gracie
Now it is time for the drivers to bring their race cars onto the track. The excitement is in the air as the fans stand to see all the cars being placed on the track. Another tradition at the Indy 500 is the appearance of Jim Nabors who will sing "Back Home Again In Indiana." Please join in if you feel like singing. 
Jim Nabors sings "Back Home Again In Indiana"
Back home again in Indiana,
And it seems that I can see
The gleaming candle light, still burning bright,
Through the Sycamores for me.
The new-mowed nay sends all its fragrance
Through the fields I used to roam.
When I dream about the moonlight on the Wabash
Then I long for my Indiana home
Back home again in Indiana . . .
(Indiana Indiana Indiana home)
Song Writer:
McLaughlin, Jonathan Michael
Graphic by Gracie

Next will be the National Anthem . . . please stand . . . after the Star Bangle Banner up in the sky you will notice the jets fly over. OMC! I cannot believe it but Raz is flying the plane on the right! 
Raz drives the Official Pace Car
Graphic by Allie & Gracie
After all the prerace events which seemed to go on forever it was now time to hear those magic words on race day. Ladies and Gentlemen, please start your engines.  With all the race cars running the pace car takes it position and escorts all the drivers around the track for one lap.No one knows how he moved so fast to get back but Raz is driving the pace car. Raz is ahead of Gracie's car just a little bit, oh yes Gracie is driving today.
A birds eye view from Gracie's car
Graphic by Gracie
Having a camera on her Gracie lets everyone know just what she is seeing while driving in this race.
Sammy & Raz
Graphic by Sammy
Sammy, Raz, and the rest of the fans watch carefully as each lap is made wondering where their favorite driver is at.
Do not read further if you don't want to see who won.
Gracie in the Winner's Circle
Congratulations Gracie
The day is done, the race is over, a winner drove into victory lane, and the crowds have now all gone home. Raz, Sammy, and I hope you all had a good time at the race today. We enjoyed visiting with you. Travel safely on your journey home. Thanks for coming. 
Oh if you are not doing anything tomorrow Sammy, Raz, and Gracie are hosting a Memorial Day Cookout. Hope you can make it.

NOTE: Scroll down for other posts and the prerace party.

~ Indianapolis Speedway Party ~

Part I                                                           RACE DAY
*NOTE: This is the prerace party, the race will follow soon


Please take a few moments of silence to remember  the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Forever gone but never forgotten.
Getting Ready
Graphic by Sammy
Sammy gets things in tip top shape before the gates open on race day.

Sammy, Raz, and Gracie want to welcome you all to the Tabby Cat Club Indy 500.
Graphic by Gracie
We hope that you enjoy your time at the Speedway. Before we head inside Gracie has your tickets for you and Raz has a map of the Speedway.
Graphic by Gracie
You can see the map has an X marked in red where our seats will be. It is a great spot, the first turn coming out of the start line. Plenty of action on this curve.
Graphic by Gracie
Once you have your tickets and map please head over to the Speedway entrance. Sammy is there and will be taking us into the infield. My niece, Anya, and Raz's sister, Allie, are joining us for today's race. Raz and Pete, a fellow Cat Scout, will have their fish fry truck and be serving us up our lunch before the pre-race activities start.
*Goodyear Blimp*

Graphic by Sammy
 On the way to the infield keep an eye out for a surprise in the air.

* The Infield*

Raz and Cat Scout Pete
Graphic by Raz

Raz and his friend Pete have set up their fish truck in the infield and will be there before the race to serve you . .

Party Wear
. . . grab a paper plate and step up to the fish fry truck and place your order.
Graphic by Raz
Word has gotten out that the famous fish truck is in the infield and several of the racecar drivers have stopped by to take some food back to their pit crews before the race starts.
Graphic by Sammy
The infield gets really busy so try to get over there in plenty of time. Poor Sammy looks like he is in need of some help. I hope he find his way out so he can interview those down by the infield.
Graphic by Raz
Also stopping by the fish truck before the race if Gracie. Our handsome and friend and announcer from the TCC tv network is there ready to grab an interview. Glad he was able to get out of the crowd.
*The Infield*
Graphic by Gracie
Before you head to the Grandstand Sammy has gotten free passes for everyone to have admission to Gasoline Alley. There isn't a better place to be on race day with all the teams and their crew getting ready for the race that is soon to start.
Gracie, Raz, & Sammy
Graphic by Gracie
If you keep an eye out you will certainly see famous car drivers right before you. What's this?! OMC, that is Sammy driving last year's winner, Tony Kennan, car!
Sammy, Gracie, Allie, Raz, & Marco Andretti
Graphic by Gracie
. . . how thrilling to be able to pose with Marco Andretti and his race car!
Marco, Gracie, Michael, & Mario Andretti
Graphic by Gracie
Gracie take a few moments to talk to her favorite racing team and give them some pointers.
Mario has done some autographed photos for you to take with you when you leave.
Graphic by Sammy
It's almost race time so soon we should be finding our way to the Grandstand. Sammy is ready . . . the race will soon be up and posted . . . stay tuned . . .
*NOTE: The race will soon be posted, please find your way to your seats.
Also, scroll down to see other Indy photos

Timmy and Fitz at the Tabby Cat Club 500

I pulled up to the line in my fine car.

Taking trophies at Cat Scouts and Dogtona I
was sure of a win.

The flag dropped and I was off to a good start.

I was passed at the end by the winner.
At least it was a cat that won.

As team owner I want to congratulate 
Gracie on a fine win.

We had a great time! Thanks Raz, Sammy and Gracie for Hosting!
Miss Fitz 
Timmy Tomcat


Am I late? I got my ‘stang and I’m ready to burn up the road! Anyone know how to drive stick? This baby is souped up like you wouldn’t believe. I’ll bet it goes a thousand mph! Hate to eat and run but I gotta ZOOOMMM!!!

I’m not a NASCAR type of cat even though they’re having Formula One racing in my little town this summer. Thanx to Raz, Sammy and Gracie for hosting this party.

Charlie Rascal ready for Indy 500 Race

I´m ready to get into my car 
and burn some tires and kick some :)

Weez at da Indy 500

Lexi here in minez brite red racer. I'z reely look guud up againzt dis red.  ☺ I'z fink I'z gunna win!!!!

Dezi hewe in meez blue wacin' caw. Blue of couwse cuz it goes wiff meez eyes. ☺ Meez finks meez gunna win!!!!

Wees Hope evewpawdy has a wunnewful time tuday!!! And....
*Lexi*: Member tu hav a safe holiday and Don't Drink and Drive!!!!!

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kissez ♥♥♥

Lexi and Dezi

Indy House with Pickles an Dinnermintz

Hi Evfurry...Pickles an I are really excited to join TCC in the Indy Aussies knowz a little bit bout racin..we lovez to race...we knows this race is furry popular an we iz furry honoured to be invited to the pawty by Raz Sammy an Gracie...

Get ya motor runnin furriendz ...but be carefulz..I think es-pee-on-arge haz alreadyz taken place...
Pretty sure it waz Picklez! I just haz a watch out racerz!!
Hey Dinnermintz..I iz just goin like greased lightning...I hasn't put any fish in ya exhaust MOL MOL..
Haz a great race evfurry! and thankz again Raz Sammy an Gracie!
Paw patz Pickle an Dinnermintz xxxx

Team Andretti


Marco, Gracie, Michael, & Mario Andretti
It's finally here, the Indianapolis 500 race. This year I have teamed up with the Andretti's. You can see we are going over last minute information to make sure I know exactly what I am to do while on the track.
The pit crew team has pushed my car out on the track and we are all waiting for the race to begin. Wish me luck. I sure hope I finish those 500 laps without any problems.
