PART II ~ Indy 500 Race
NOTE: Scroll down for other posts and the prerace party.
~ The Indy 500 Race ~
What an exciting morning at the speedway, in case you arrived last check out the post below for the morning's activities. Sammy, Raz, and Gracie welcome you to the race and now it is time to head
Allie, Gracie, & Raz
Graphic by Gracie
inside to find our seats before the opening ceremonies start.
Sammy the TCC Network Announcer
Graphic by Sammy
. . . and now to
Sammy who is down on the track to get the ceremonies on the way before the race starts . . .
. . . Please take a few moments of silence to remember the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Forever gone but never forgotten.
Driver Gracie
Graphic by Gracie
Now it is time for the drivers to bring their race cars onto the track. The excitement is in the air as the fans stand to see all the cars being placed on the track. Another tradition at the Indy 500 is the appearance of Jim Nabors who will sing "Back Home Again In Indiana." Please join in if you feel like singing.
Jim Nabors sings "Back Home Again In Indiana"
Back home again in Indiana,
And it seems that I can see
The gleaming candle light, still burning bright,
Through the Sycamores for me.
The new-mowed nay sends all its fragrance
Through the fields I used to roam.
When I dream about the moonlight on the Wabash
Then I long for my Indiana home
Back home again in Indiana . . .
(Indiana Indiana Indiana home)
Song Writer:
McLaughlin, Jonathan Michael
Graphic by Gracie
Next will be the National Anthem . . . please stand . . . after the Star Bangle Banner up in the sky you will notice the jets fly over. OMC! I cannot believe it but
Raz is flying the plane on the right!
Raz drives the Official Pace Car
Graphic by Allie & Gracie
After all the prerace events which seemed to go on forever it was now time to hear those magic words on race day. Ladies and Gentlemen, please start your engines. With all the race cars running the pace car takes it position and escorts all the drivers around the track for one lap.No one knows how he moved so fast to get back but Raz is driving the pace car. Raz is ahead of Gracie's car just a little bit, oh yes Gracie is driving today.
A birds eye view from Gracie's car
Graphic by Gracie
Having a camera on her Gracie lets everyone know just what she is seeing while driving in this race.
Sammy & Raz
Graphic by Sammy
Sammy, Raz, and the rest of the fans watch carefully as each lap is made wondering where their favorite driver is at.
Do not read further if you don't want to see who won.
Gracie in the Winner's Circle
Congratulations Gracie
The day is done, the race is over, a winner drove into victory lane, and the crowds have now all gone home. Raz, Sammy, and I hope you all had a good time at the race today. We enjoyed visiting with you. Travel safely on your journey home. Thanks for coming.
Oh if you are not doing anything tomorrow Sammy, Raz, and Gracie are hosting a Memorial Day Cookout. Hope you can make it.
NOTE: Scroll down for other posts and the prerace party.