Monday, May 31, 2021


Hi everyone, you miss me? Well sorry about that but the main thing is I'm here today to wish you all a VERY HAPPY AND SAFE MEMORIAL DAY!! 
Now the reaon I haven't been here. Mom Crystal and her family came down with that nasty virus COVID. The Ironic thing was she was out picking up sticks so "The Dad" could mow. They both started having symptoms around the same time but could pass it off as allergies, minor cold, sinus cold, polen and minor pain then came no appetite. They didn't think anything of it because that is what usually happens in a cold. Coincindence, I think not. After a while they both realized it was more. The day they were to get thier first vaccine shot was the day they both were diagnosed with COVID. That was April 22, 2021. Mom Crystal and rest of the family are still recovering from COVID but "The Dad" well it hit him pretty hard and went back into the hospital for the 2nd time since his diagnoses. Now he's mainly over COVID but has other infections. Mom Crystal has been helping taking care of both parents since both are immobile. So you see it's been hectic here and no time for post but we do think of you all.

Memorial Day with Ducky

 Me and mum remembering all those who gave their life in service to our country. 

Memorial Day 2021

 Remembering our Veterans that served their country but did not come home.

The family is having a quiet Memorial weekend.

We will be chilling and hanging out around the pool. 

Memorial Day thoughts

 My Memorial Day will be celebrated quietly with my humom.  We remember and honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country.

My Memorial Day

 Happy Memorial Day everyone................remembering to honor our veterans today and every day.   Still, we all tend to want to do things with our family as well as taking time to remember.......

My parents are going to have a cookout with our wonderful neighbors tomorrow but of course I'm not going next door myself - I'll be home !    They have two woofies and I don't think the three of us would get along very well.   Best I stay here and celebrate in my own way - SNOOZING!

May you all celebrate by remembering and honoring those who have served our country.

Hugs, Teddy

Happy Memorial Day


From our family to yours please enjoy this day
Remember the many who gave so we can be free
Especially remember those who gave their all
We owe them to stand for the freedom they fought so hard for
So many today have forgotten that

Timmy Tomcat
Miss Fitz

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the unofficial beginning of the Summer in most places.  Here in Florida, we have had Summer for a while already but we'll celebrate anyway!

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Nip Love

Fitz our Nip seems to love Toby, a lot!
My beau is irresistible. Kisses my Panfur fella!
Awww Fitz *Blush*

Timmy Tomcat
Miss Fitz
Beau Toby Tomcat

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Ducky's Garden

 Mum had been bizzy getting the garden looking good with new plants for this year. So here are some pics!

Hope you enjoyed the pics!

How Does Our Garden Grow?

 Our garden isn't what it used to be..........years ago Mom says she had a lot of beautiful gardens - especially in the backyard - but as years went by it was harder and harder to maintain.  SO, she switched to small "gardens" in pots on the front porch and the back deck and a SMALL perennial garden in the front yard.   Low maintenance!   That's the name of "our" garden!   

Front perennial garden (no maintenance required!)

Back deck boxes - easy to water with watering can!

Front porch - EASY to look after too!

The name of the game for how our garden grows is EASY!

Hope your garden grows HAPPY.......

Hugs, Teddy

Scylla & Chimera's Garden

The Sniffie Rose as well as our other roses are blooming. They look really pretty down at the Hummingbird Cottage although we haven't been able to get down there much due to all the RAIN.

Shasta Daisy

The blueberries are doing well, the Dad has even picked a few for Mom to eat in her cereal. And the strawberries (cement raised bed in the back) have been producing a bumper crop this year.

Dad's wild grape vines (muscadine

 Confederate Rose ~We hope you enjoyed seeing some of our flowers. ~Scylla & Chimera from Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

How Does Your Garden Grow?

 MOL obviously not well since Mom set up our post but forgot to add the photos!!!


Pretty Yellow flower that Mom has no idea what the name is....

Fragrant Gardenia

Just some of the plumeria.   Our Daddy planted quite a few.  These smell wonderful too (or at least that's what Mom says!)

We hope you enjoyed our flowers!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Rosie on Straw Hat Day


Happy Straw Hat Day!!

Straw Hat Day

So STRAW HAT DAY rolls around again and this year I thought I'd wear the same straw hat I wore on a previous occasion because I love the hat - it's old fashioned and it reminds me of picnics (and treats), the old days (although I'm not that old) and summertime (even though it's a COLD  Spring).

Actually this is the same straw hat that Angel Sammy used to wear - I inherited it from him and that's the REAL reason I'm wearing it again this year!    

Hugs, Teddy

Happy Straw Hat Day

It is a nice sunny Caturday to show off Miss Fitz!
He means show off our Hats. I have a nice floppy one of Raffia while Timmy has a traditional straw boater.
Hope to see your Straw Hats too friends

Timmy Tomcat
Miss Fitz

Straw Hat Day!


We always love Straw Hat Day!!  We're wearing ours at our blog but wanted to share Angel Tamir's straw hat photo.  He sure was a handsome ManCat.  Click HERE to teleport over to our blog to see us in our hats!