Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

KC is hosting Cinco de Mayo Day and we are ready to party!!!

Wishing everyone a Happy Cinco de Mayo Day!! My adopted sisters, Asta and Momo, are ready to party hardy. We have so much to celebrate as Momo has been given a miracle and what we were afraid was cancer turned out not to be. Your purrs helped and I want to thank everyone that sent purrs her way.
Graphic by Asta
l-r: Asta, Momo & Gracie
The three sisters are dancing their little paws off! Many hours of practice has paid off and we are having a blast . . .
Graphic by Asta
l-r: Gracie, Asta & Momo
To keep up our energy we will take many food breaks and they head back to the dance floor . . .

Have a fun filled Cinco de Mayo day!!!


Ingrid said...

Even if we don't know what you celebrate on May 5th, for parties we are always there !

meowmeowmans said...

Dancing and eating? No wonder we love this day so much! :)

Happy Cinco de Mayo, sweet friends!

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo.
The Florida Furkids and Lexi