Friday, July 26, 2013

Angel Wendell

It is with a heavy heart that I learned today that another of our sweet tabbie kitties, Wendell, has left for the bridge. He will be missed by many that knew and loved him.

Run free sweet one, until we meet again.


Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I am so sorry to know that you had to run off to the bridge. My heart is heavy and the tears flow as I type. Know your humans are in my thoughts and purrs as I know this is a sad time. You will live forever in their memories and in their hearts. Run free sweet one. Until we meet again.

meowmeowmans said...

We are so sorry that Wendell had to go to the Bridge. We send purrs and prayers to his family as they miss their special mancat.

Fly free, Wendell. Until we see you again.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are sorry to hear about the loss. We send our love to his family and friends. Lee and Phod

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so sad that sweet Wendell left for the Bridge. We know Angel Tamir was there to greet him. We're purring and praying for his family. We know his Mom loved him a lot and will really miss him.

Fly free sweet Wendell.

Raz and The Florida Furkids

Safe Haven Hotel said...

My deepest condolences on Wendell's passing.

Kathe W. said...

Hugs to Wendell's family. Saying goodbye is so hard.

Mo and The Purries said...

Run free, Wendell.
You were one of a kind, and we will miss you.
Sending love to your Mom Carli from all of us at Purrchance To Dream.

Angel Simba said...

Gracie let us know about sweet Wendell. We are sorry we did not know him better. We wanted to purr our condolences on the loss of your special special boy. Run free and healthy, Wendell. We hope there is an Angel Tabby Cat Club at the Bridge too.

Karen Jo said...

Run free and happy, Wendell. We are so sad that you had to leave your loving family and our hearts grieve for the empty feeling you leave behind. Soft purrs.

Spyro, Oja, Rocio, Bambino and Horus

Anonymous said...

Dear Wendell, we are sending many tender thoughts to all who loved you and will miss you.

Unknown said...

Dear Wendell:
We will all miss you tremendously, and until you and your family are reunited again, play in the ever-stretching grasses, playing until your hearts desire.

Many purrs to Wendell's family. We wish that we could've gotten to know them better.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Soar high sweet Wendell

Purrs and headbutts to yer family


Everycat said...

We did not know Wendell until today, but we are very sad to learn he has gone to The Bridge. He was a very handsome tabby boy.

Have a really good nap Wendell

Luff and rumbly purrs to your family

Gerry & Mungo

Cathy Keisha said...

I didn't know Wendell but I'm here to pay my respects. Big Tym had an Uncle Wendell who will be there be meet you at the Bridge.

da tabbies o trout towne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
da tabbies o trout towne said...

wendell. God's speed to you as you cross rainbow bridge. we know how devastated your family is and we send purrayers and hugs during this very difficult time. xoxo from all of us

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gracie. please remove our delete comment.... we lost internet connection and it didnt finish. xoxo

Pip said...

I am sorry to hear of Wendell's passing. His family is in our thoughts.

Team Tabby said...

We've just heard that Wendell has crossed over Rainbow Bridge. We send his family our purrs, purrayers and love.


A few Good Cats said...

We just heard the sad news and wanted to add our sympathetic purrayers for comfort. Soon, we hope, the many good memories Wendell left behind will also comfort you.

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

So sorry to hear you have left for the bridge, sweet Wendell. Big hug.

Mickey's Musings said...

We are very sorry to hear about Amber and we send comforting purrs to her family.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Oui Oui said...

So long, sweet Wendell! We are purring for all your friends, loved ones and family left behind. We hope their memories of you are a comfort to them. Our deepest condolences and purrs to all.

Oskar said...

We are so sorry to hear of the loss of your handsome Wendell.

Hugs & love,
Oskar & Pam

Life with Ragdolls said...

Hi I came over from "life with Ragdolls" and I'm so very sorry for your poor kitty!!!:-(.I know how you feel:-(.I have been there before:-(. He always beloved:-).but DREARLY missed!!!:-(.I'm soooooooooooooo very sorry:-(.

Cherry City Kitties said...

Goodbye sweet Wendell, fly free!
Dexter and Willow

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Me and mom didn't know Wendell but I'm here to pay my respects.
R.I.P Angel Wendell <3