Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Tabby Cat Club Super Bowl Party

Hi Tabby Cat Club members and others friends.  Welcome to our annual Super Bowl Party.  Gracie and I are glad to see you here.   Have a beverage, grab some noms and get ready to enjoy the game on our HUGE TV!!!
Party hosted by Raz & Gracie

Are you ready!? Here are your tickets for Super Bowl XLVIII at the TCC. Go teams!!!!

We have lots of goodies to enjoy....

There are tasty appetizers of chick-hen wings,  Nip pizza and a football shaped meatloaf...

Super spread by Raz

there's cheese and HAM on the buffet table...
Made by Raz

And lots of extra MEAT!
Delicious meat from Raz

Or, if you prefer something lighter, we have  some PIG skins and other great foodables to snack on.

Snacks by Raz
We have an assortment of drinks to enjoy during game time. Cheers!!!

Drinks from Gracie~Bottoms up

There is a great selection of sweets to eat. There is more in the kitchen so help yourself to seconds.

Desserts selected and made by Gracie

Gracie and Tubby and Raz and Madi are hanging out in the game room while they wait for the Big Game to start...

Graphic by Raz

Since we've all been eating a lot of nommy food at Cat Scouts, Gracie and I thought a band to provide music would be a good idea.  We can dance our little paws off while we wait.

Graphic by Raz

When it's time for the game come into the big screen TV room.  Raz and Madi and Gracie and Tubby are already here....

Graphic by Raz

Stay as long as your like but before you go you might want to do a photo of yourself in front of our Bronco~Seahawk background. Tubby and I took advantage of this so we wouldn't forget our day.
Bronco Fan Gracie & Seahawks Fan Tubby
Graphic by Gracie

Allie & I have a little pregame fun with Peyton Manning. Boy how I wish the Indianapolis Colts would have kept him in Indiana.
Graphic by Gracie

l-r: Gracie, Allie, & Raz
Graphic by Gracie

If you would like to watch the game again we have it recorded. It's a great way to catch those special moments during the game that you want to see again. The recorded game is in the basement entertainment room.

On your way home, but please stay as long as you like, we have team spirit items for you to take with you.
Bronco Spirit Items
Purchased by Gracie

Seahawk Spirit Items
Purchased by Gracie

Hope you had a super duper time at the TCC Super Bowl party!!

ps: See other Super Bowl posts below.


Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Raz and I welcome you to the Super Bowl XLVIII party. Hope you come early and stay late. This will be a fun filled day and night for sure.

Fozziemum said...

Oh Gracie and Raz we iz loving this Superbowlz Pawty!!! we iz taking different sidez an probably get into a fightz but we may be too fatz from the delish-us foodablez on offer! we look forward to the gamez....go both teamz go Paw Pats Dinnermintz an Pickles xxxx

Fuzzy Tales said...

We'll teleport over in a bit--we plan to party all day and into the night!

Thank you so much for hosting this amazing party!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Woo Hoo , what a PARTYY !
I jump into the ham&cheese buffet :)


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thanks for putting this together Gracie. ~Socks & Family

Cathy Keisha said...

I’ll be there later on. Looks like fun.

Just Ducky said...

Let the party begin! We will start with some sacks, or snacks. Then on to the main course of more snacks!

We aren't sure about the header, we thinks we have Seahawk hats on, we want Mr Peyton and the Bronco's to win.

Oh well, our ears will be warms!

Cherry City Kitties said...

Hi everyone! Glad to be here to cheer on my Peyton. Hey Gracie, do you have an extra cheerleader outfit???


WordsPoeticallyWorth said...
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Swami Zoe said...

The most pawesome pawty ever! Me-Ommmmmm

katsrus said...

Hi Gracie it's Tubby. What a cool Superbowl pawty. You and Raz did and excellent job of putting it together. Thanks for inviting me. Go Seahawks!!

Katrin said...

Looks like such a fun pawty! Love it! :))

CatInTheFridge said...

wow! you guys id a great job! thanks so much for putting this together. I LOVE the band!!!! superb! - Crepes.

The Island Cats said...

This is one pawsome pawty!!

Anonymous said...

This is one awesome Super Bowl Pawty. Gracie you are doing double duty at Cat Scouts too. I will be at Cat Scouts to help. You cats are something else. Go Seahawks.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Oh My Cat this is the BEST Super Bowl Pawty of ALL TIME!
Raz and Gracie you really out did yourselves!
Thanks so very much
Timmy and Miss Fitz

Gemini and Ichiro said...


That's from Gemini, our resident tabby cat.

Unknown said...


My Mind's Eye said...

OMCs Raz I did not know you were a chef and such a great host at parties. woohoo you are a KEEPER
I'm one lucky kitty too
hugs your QoH date

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Hope you are all having a great time. So glad that you could come today. If there is anything you need please let Raz or me know.

Anonymous said...

Yow pleezed to meet ya Raz n Gracie!! Me Nylablue n me wanted to pop over n spend sum time wif eberyone!! Diz iz sum PAWSUM pawty!! ya haz eberyfing n more!!!
me will haz sum chickin wingz n maybee sum sweet strawberry n a little niptini...just a little one as me must walk home after ;)
Say Raz wuud ya like to dance befur da game??
Nylablue xxx

Flamincatdesigns said...

Wot a catastic pawty! Just finished watching da pawsome Kitten Bowl! Time for noms!!

Donna said...

Kitten Bowl and Puppy Bowl are awesome!! :)

The Florida Furkids said...

OMC....Madi....I'm sooo happy you're having fun!! I think YOU are a keeper too!!!


meowmeowmans said...

This is SO much fun, Gracie and Raz! Fanks for inviting me over -- it's a big treat, especially because I've been kinda sick lately.

Unknown said...

Looks like you all partied hard and had a fun time.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Gracie
You may send your QofH picture to
us at
Hugs Madi