Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Remember. Dat one word rings loud and true. Remember lest we furget and be doomed to repeat our mistakes. Today is Veteran’s day here in da U.S. and we are sendin’ out our thanks and deepest gratitude to those who serve both past and present. We thank you fur goin’ to purrtect us. We thank you fur standin’ watch on da wall while we sleep peacefully in our beds. We thank you fur leavin’ your family and friends to go far away to places where you’re not always wanted. We thank your families fir sharin’ you with all of America. We thank you fur those Americans who bash you. We proudly salute you and send you our purrayers.

We started writing this last night and mommy got to emotional so we stopped and came back to it this meownin’. Meez blog is not pawlitical. But in case it wasn’t clear, We are very patriotic and believe in the Constitution of the United States purrtectin’ our God given rights. We know dat our fureedom came/comes at a very high price. We live furee cuz there were and are those willin’ to fight and die to purrserve dat fureedom.

While lookin’ fur foto ops on da innernet we found lots of happy Veteran’s day templates, but what’s so happy ‘bout a day dat recognizes so much loss? Da loss of fathers, sons, brothers, sisters, daughters, husbands, wives; da loss of limbs and in sum cases sanity. We are one small voice but we are shouting, Thank You and God Bless America.

Father we come to You in the name of Jesus and we ask that You keep Your hand on all those serving in our military. Many are far from home and loved ones. Many are scared and lost. Our government is trying to keep the very freedoms they are fighting for away from them because it’s offensive to those we are trying to help. We ask You give strength to these men and women and clarity of thought. Let them know You are there when the darkness of night sweeps over them and the sun beats down on their face. Comfort their families waiting back home for them. Bring peace where there is no peace. And bring our soldiers home. Let our country heal. For all those who served and never came home alive, give hope and peace to their families knowing that they served honorably and died to protect us. Help those of us at home to remember how our country became great. Our freedoms came at the cost of the life’s blood of our soldiers. Lord, help us to remember, lest we repeat our mistakes. And God, bless America in Jesus Name, Amen.

Till da next time………………………………….Be Blest!!!

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses



Dezi and Lexi


Marilynn said...

Thanks for your wonderful post. Well done!

Grace & Marilynn

Anonymous said...

Great post........wonderful prayer. We add our voice to yours. Amen.

Love, Sam

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Just such a beautiful post Dezi.

Photo Cache said...

Our human grandpa was a vet.

Emma and Buster

Marty the Manx said...

Beautiful and well written post. We are part of your prayer Amen.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Beautiful post!! Happy Veterans Day!

meowmeowmans said...

That's a lovely post! Happy Veterans Day!

Fozziemum said...

Beautiful post sweeties ...paw pats and lest we forget .Dinnermintz and Pickles xxx

The Adventures of The Bell Fur Zoo said...

Pawesome post we wuv it!!

Ginger, Matt & Matilda

pilch92 said...

Very nice , heartfelt post.