Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Pampered Pet Day

Well every day is pampered pet day at my house.   I am lucky.  I say "pampered" is just another word for "spoiled" and I AM the epitome of that.    

I have the run of the house and of the yard (with snoopervision) and I get brushed every single morning by my Mom while we watch the morning news.   That makes my furs nice and shiny and my skin nice and that's pampering if ever there was some.   

I was allowed to drink from the sink until I got too big to climb my stairs!

I get to hike in my woods with my Dad looking for bugs, skinks and chipmunks!

I can sleep on any bed in the house - any time!

And I have boxes and baskets full of toys!

Now I ask you - am I a pampered kitty or not?

Hugs, Teddy


The Florida Furkids said...

You are most definitely pampered!!

My Tata's Cottage said...

You are so pampered. remind me of my ornery boy Tiger akak Mister Kitty. He is sleeping on the love seat. Thinks he is kind of this castle. The dogs are uncertain about that. Have a beautiful day.

Ananka said...

Yup pampered for sure Teddy :-D

meowmeowmans said...

You are definitely pampered, Teddy. As you should be! :)

Timmy Tomcat said...

Teddy we all know you are the most spoiled kitty. Remember to give the love back and we know you do