Friday, December 16, 2011

Tabatha is Getting Ready for Christmas with a Christmas Collar

Simba here.  We are helping to post Tabatha's picture because her Mom Marg said Blogger was giving her trouble.      Tabatha didn't like the Christmas Collar very much and ended up getting it off.  But for a short while she was showing Santa she could get in the Christmas spirit.


Carli N. Wendell said...

Hi Tabitha! you look a little like me. Merry Christmas!

Marg said...
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Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

That is a lovely collar Tabitha, but I don't like wearing them either, so I don't blame you for taking it off. ~Socks

HH and The Boys said...

Those are great pictures of Tabatha.... She is definitely working hard to get the upper paw on that collar.

pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, and Knuckles

Fuzzy Tales said...

Tabatha, you know we think Santa should bring you extra treats and toys for having to endure that--and work to get it off yourself too!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well,you did wear it for a little while. That counts, doesn't it?

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh Tabitha, that looks like a furry reluctant Christmas spirit! MOL. Love your furs.

GreatGranny said...

I know the feeling and if Mom puts that purty red thing around my neck, I 'll get it off somehow. Your's is pretty too.
xoxo Kassey

Marilynn said...

I've never had a kitteh who likes collars ... or leashes ... or hats or anything! LOL! And believe me! I've tried just about everything over the years. MommaGrace's boys are even intolerant of me when I try to clip their claws! Bad boys!

I like the collar, though, Tabitha. You should wear bright colors more often -- you look GOOD in them!

Marilynn & Grace

Michelle said...

I wish my cat Dusty would keep a collar on. My cat Patches taught her how to get out of any collar made my man. As you can guess Patches didn't wear collars either.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

uh-oh...did I miss the group post?

With Cody having been ill I completely forgot!


I was having trouble with Blogger tonight myself!

Smudge said...

I'm so with Tabitha on the not-liking-the-collar thing!!!

The J-Cats said...

That's a very pretty collar but We purr-fectly understand Tabatha not wanting to have it round her neck all the time.
We celebrate Hanukkah, not Christmas, but we wish YOU and all the other kitties that do celebrate Christmas, a very happy Christmas.

GLOGIRLY said...

Collar or no collar, Santa will not forget about you!
xo Katie

GRAÇA said...

I wish you a Merry Christmas and the new year become even more friends, are always in my heart
Turrinhas fond's friend
Beijinho of mami

=^..^= said...

You look lovely in that Christmassy collar. But we hear ya! We hate collars too!

~Slash & Bronzy

Ingrid said...

Apparently it only looks nice for us humans, because my cats also refuse to wear any Christmas collar !

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

My sisters and i would like to send you my sincere gratitude for helping support the HPP.

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Your new Friends - Coco The Princess, Lady Godiva & Truffle too

Trixie said...

That's a snazzy collar Tabitha and it really suits your pretty furs. It's nice of you to wear it for your mom!

A Tonl said...

FaRADaY: MOWZERS! We hates collars! Mommy tried to get us to Conform, but Maxwell & I held the line (Allie's too into bling so she loooooooves hers *eyeroll* GURLZ!)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Mom loves, LOVES tabbies and she said you are stunning!
Is your pretty collar edible?
Happy Tuesday!
~ Bob

Carla said...

The face says it all!!! Meowy Christmas!!

RoySr said...

Ms Priness says: "We no like collars either, even the plain ones with our license on them.

Maybe us cats should make a occupy the somethinordaother march about the heans putting bean clothes and other clowny stuffs on us already well dressedup kittycats. Jus ain't right. No 'snot."

meowmeowmans said...

Tabatha, we understand completely ... Angel Maggie hated wearing collars, too! :)

(It IS a pretty collar, though.)

We sure hope you (and Marg and all the other awesome animals there) having a great holiday season so far. :)

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Love the Christmas collar you really should leave it on as you look so cute with it on.