Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Wordy Wednesday with Raz
Hey furriends....don't forget next Monday is my special Event. What's your Favorite Toy?
I sure hope all my new pals participate. This will be my first Christmas and I want to make sure I ask Santa for the most pawsome toys!!
By the it my imagination or is our clubhouse filling up?????
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving from Raz
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so happy to have a wonderful forever home, good friends in the blogosphere and my wonderful new Big Sissie Gracie. And, of course, being a member of the AWESOME Tabby Cat Club!!!
I hope you like our Smilebox.
Another free photo slideshow by Smilebox |
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
New clubhouse
Grace really loves the new clubhouse.
Didn't Gracie do a fantastic job making sure all of us are in the picture?
Purrrrtraits Of You

My niece, Olive, is doing purrrtraits, once again. To get one all you have to do is go over the CB Auction and make a $5.00 donation which you will need to make over at the auction. Once that is done you will need to send Margaret a photo of you and she will send it out so Olive can work on it. Olive will custom paint (photoshop) your photo of your furrie into a purrrtrait. A great idea with the holiday celebrations coming up. Avoid the mess at the mall . . . My mommie loves hers . . .
. . . the picture in the frame here is an example. There is no shipping involved just an email.
Hi everybody ! I´m Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
and I´m soooo proud to have become a
member in Tabby Cat Club !
I live in Halmstad in southwest part of Sweden with my mom-person Camilla and dad-person Tommy.
I have lived with them for a little bit over two years ,
my Gotcha Day is October 6 (2010) and my birthday is April 15 (2010).
This is a couple of the first photos my mom-person took on me :)
YES ! I still LOVE to play with my rat from IKEA and
YES ! I`m still a little rascal :)
at first I had to share blog with my mom-person but then on 19 january 2011 I got my very own blog that is called
On most day`s I do my blogposts in swedish , but I try to participate once a week in Cats On Tuesday and YES you guessed right !
They are in english :)
I do have Mr Google Translater on my blog that most of the times make a terrible job !
But it sure can be moore entertaining to read my translated blogpost´s , than in my original language swedish :)
This was a little bit about me !
I´m looking forward to get to know all of you
in the Tabby Cat Club and THANK you again for
letting me be a member !
Monday, November 19, 2012
A perfect Christmas gift
How 'bout a tea towel from Two Cat Ladies an online shop in Austrailia (they do ship worldwide... just sayin')
Love & Purrs,
Friday, November 16, 2012
Hi! I'm Raz!
Hi efurrybuddy, Raz here. I am the newest of the Florida Furkids. My Gotcha day was November 3 and am getting used to my new family and my extended family in the Cat Blogosphere.
I am so very excited to announce that I am now a member of the Tabby Cat Club! My brofur Angel Tamir was a member and his sweet girlfriend Gracie has taken me under her paw as my Big Sissie. I'm so happy to have found this cool family to live with and to have such a fun club to belong to!
Thanks to Gracie for making me this great badge!!! I hope I can follow in the pawsteps of my great brofur Angel Tamir.
Check the Events page....I'm going to host my very first event on December 3. Since I'm just a little guy and this is my first Christmas, I need to know what toys are the best so I can ask Santa for them!!!
I am so very excited to announce that I am now a member of the Tabby Cat Club! My brofur Angel Tamir was a member and his sweet girlfriend Gracie has taken me under her paw as my Big Sissie. I'm so happy to have found this cool family to live with and to have such a fun club to belong to!
Thanks to Gracie for making me this great badge!!! I hope I can follow in the pawsteps of my great brofur Angel Tamir.
Check the Events page....I'm going to host my very first event on December 3. Since I'm just a little guy and this is my first Christmas, I need to know what toys are the best so I can ask Santa for them!!!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
~Blogoversary Open House~
our first Blogoversary at the Tabby Cat Club!!
I cannot believe that it has been a year since the idea of a tabby cat club was thought of. Now our club is now 62 members strong and growing . . .
If you would like to join the Tabby Cat Club and can email me, the link is on the sidebar. You have to be a tabby kittie and have your own blog. Simple as that, we would love to have you in our club. At the TCC we have special events hosted by our members. It's a great place to hang out.
Make yourself at home and please stay as long as your would like. Grab yourself a place setting and head over to the cake table.
There is plenty of cake to last the whole day long so don't be shy take as much as you would like and come back for more . . .
. . . to help wash the cupcakes and cake down there is a selection of special prepared drinks for your liking . . . step up to our fountain drinks . . . no ID will be required today . . . what happens at the club stays at the club . . .
On the even hours I will be doing balloon tabby kitties . . . everyone will receive one to take with them when you head for home . . . I hope you will be patient with me because sometimes the paws slow me down on this . . .
. . . on going all day will be the movie "Cats" for your viewing. This is a favorite of my mommie's and I hope you all enjoy it as much as she and I do . . . there are plenty of pilllows for you so you will have a comfy spot . . . zzzzs are allowed for those needing to catch some . . .
. . . Not to many of you know it but I am an author. I have a signed copy of my book for everyone as one of your party favors. I got to thinking one day that as much work as I have put into training my mommie and daddie I thought I would capture it all down in words and put it into a book and earn some $$$$ to help pay for my adventures that I sometimes go on. I think I have covered everything on what we furries need to know about raising the humans but if you see I have left out something please let me know and I shall see that is goes into my second edition book . . .
. . . before you have to get home before your mommie or daddie miss you don't forget to stop by the party favor table. I have a kittie clock and you may choose one in the color that you would like . . . their little eyes and tail moves as the clock does the tick tock thing, it is fun to watch . . .
. . . also, help yourself to a catnip mousie. No home should be without one!!
Thanks you so much for stopping by and helping the Tabby Cat Club celebrate it's first Blogoversary. Also, a big THANK YOU to all of our club members!! Your fun ideas and events that you host make this club as successful as it is. Looking forward to many more fun times here!!
Love to all!!!!
~There are other Blogoversary posts below this one so please continue reading for more about the party~
Happy first Blogoversary Tabby Cat Club Members! We are so happy to be part of this fun club! Special thanks to Gracie for everything she does! We love each and every one of you and are so thankful to be part of this pawsome club.
Happy Blogoversary, Tabby Cat Club
A whole year already? I am so happy to help the Tabby Cat Club celebrate it's first blogoversary. I haven't been very active since I joined, but I intend to make Mom help me join in more. I am bringing Oja along to the party and we intend to have lots and lots of fun.
1st Blogversary ... party, party, party!!
Grace is really happy to be in the TCC ... such fun to read through all the posts and gaze at all the wonderful photos of her fellow tabbies! Love it, love it, love it!!
And now it's time for her nap! She's all tuckered out after checking out all the celebration posts here!!
Happy 1st Anniversary!!!
Has it been a year already?!?!
I bet you can tell from the surprised look on my face that I can hardly believe time has passed so quickly. I love being part of the Tabby Cat Club and having such a fun place to come and hang out with all my tabby friends :-) Thank you TCC for all you do for us and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
love, Archie
I bet you can tell from the surprised look on my face that I can hardly believe time has passed so quickly. I love being part of the Tabby Cat Club and having such a fun place to come and hang out with all my tabby friends :-) Thank you TCC for all you do for us and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
love, Archie
Let me just put this dish down on the buffet...
In honor of my friends...
da Tabbies o' Trout Town...
Some fresh salmon...
Now, off to get a little niptini
eye opener and then
bring on the fun!
Love and purrs,
pee ess: Thanks to Gracie, her mom and all the Tabbies who made this the COOLEST place to hang out! D.
pee ess: Thanks to Gracie, her mom and all the Tabbies who made this the COOLEST place to hang out! D.
Happy 1st Blogoversary, TCC!
We are so happy to be a part of the Tabby Cat Club! We have had to miss the last few events because of things that have been going on at home. But we are here to join in our Blogoversary celebrations!
Ling : Hey Cosmo! It's our club's 1st blogoversary today! |
Cosmo : HAPPY 1st BLOGOVERSARY, Tabby Cat Club! Time to let our furs down and P-A-W-T-Y the night away! |
Our Ist Blogaversary
Fancy it's the First Anniversary today
of the Tabby Cat Club
We can't believe it has been a whole year
since the first post.
This is a picture of me today looking thoughtful as
I am thinking about some of the posts we've done
a sleeping picture
my pretty toesies
and a tummy picture
Now all I've got to do is get Mum organised -
easier said than done but she tends to forget
so I've named and shamed her and hope to
be able to visit more often in our second year.
Happy 1st Blogoversary Tabby Cat Club
Thank you Gracie and Mom & Rusty, Percy and Mom Jan
for all you do for the Tabby Cat Club!!
Happy 1st Blogoversary, Tabby Cat Club!
ConCATulations on a PAWsome first year, everybuddy! We (me and my dad) love you kittehs, and look forward to all of the fun we'll have in the coming year. And to celebrating many, many more TCC blogoversaries with you. Big thanks to Gracie and her Mom for starting this great club, and to Rusty, Percy, Micah and Mom Jan for their amazing technical support!
Hugs and headbonks!
Proud TCC Member #16 :)
Animal Shelter Volunteer Life
Hugs and headbonks!
Proud TCC Member #16 :)
Animal Shelter Volunteer Life
Socks Meows ~ Happy 1st Blogoversary
Hard to believe it has been one whole year since I joined the Tabby Cat Club. It is a great place to hang out with fellow tabbies and relax, have fun and go on adventures. I am fixing to go on a mouse hunt would you like to join me?
Happy 1st Blogoversary to my fellow Tabby Cat Club Members!
Happy 1st Blogoversary to the TCC!
Huge thanks to Gracie and her mom (and everyone else too!), who have worked so hard for the last year to not only start this club, but make it the success that it is! Well done!
Happy Blogoversary!
Has it been a year already?
Concats, especially to Gracie who works so hard to make it all happen.
Keep up the good work
and here's to many more fun filled years
with all our favorite tabby furriends!
Purrs and kitty kisses,
Oui Oui
Twinkletoe Tails
It's YOUR Day!!!!
to be part of
such a PAWSOME
and to all the Tabbies
and their families
we say THANK YOU!
Cody & "Mom"
like a ROCK STAR!!
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