Thursday, January 8, 2015

Freezin Friday ..not..MOL

Hi evfurry it'z me Dinnerminzt an my sisfur Pickles;;
Thiz is  hard one to do this post az we iz hot az hades here MOL...

But we can showz you all how we stazy warmz when it IS our winter..

Mol...we go deepz undercoverz and stay there!! mol...
Thankz TCC fur another great we iz off to find a COOL spot MOL... paw pats Dinnerminzt an Pickles xxxx


Anonymous said...

You guys don't have the cold NOW but you WILL just when we're heating up! Meanwhile, you always look so dozy in your blankies there.......enjoy a break from the cold where you are!

Hugs, Sammy

Fuzzy Tales said...

If we send you some of our cold temps, and you send us some of your heat, that should even us all out and make us all comfortable!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I need to teleprinter over and spend some warm time with you. Looks like you have things ready fir when it is your winter time.

Angel Simba said...

Oh, PLEEZ send us some of your warms!

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

You are very clever cats Dinnermintz...I know you are warm now, but you will get your turn

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaw Y'all look soz kute. Stay "kool".

Lubz ya'

Lexi and Dezi

meowmeowmans said...

We'll trade you temperatures, if you want. MOL. Just kidding.

That was very creative of you, pals, to post pictures of when it was cold there. Enjoy your hot weather, okay? :)



Timmy Tomcat said...

Goodness catness can you send a bit of heat up our way
Miss Fitz

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

show offs! MOL! xoxo