Wednesday, June 19, 2019

International Box Day - YAY!

It's BOX DAY!     
Everyone loves a nice box right?   People almost always have one or two of them lying around and of course if we see one, it's OURS.

Thankfully they come in all sizes too so there's always a PERFECT FIT available!

Want to know something strange?   I will HOP into a box and give it a sniff but I always hop right out again.    Apparently I am not a box boy.   I do like the laundry basket though - does that count?
Hugs, Teddy


The Florida Furkids said...

We think it counts! All those graphics are great but the first is our favorite!
The Florida Furkids

World of Animals, Inc said...

Happy International Box Day!!! We love all the photos you shared. It doesn't matter big or small they all love boxes. These are really cute. Have a wonderful day of celebrating.
World of Animals

M. K. Clinton said...

I think it counts and if it is full of warm clothes then it should count double!! Happy Box Day.

Marilynn said...

Hi, Teddy,

Grace is not a fan of boxes either. Her boys will check a box out, but then they're done with it, never to return! And here I had been told that boxes were sure things if I ever needed to trap a cat!!

Grace & Company
(Marilynn, their secretary)

Photo Cache said...

Hah, we missed box day again!!!!!!

Emma and Buster

Smudge said...

I also have a habit of wanting to snoop behind boxes, especially in the big closet here. It's as if every day is a new day and the same old boxes are new again and I've gotta investigate.

Ingrid said...

If I would give my cats the choice between an expensive cat bed and a carton, they both would choose the carton !

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Oh boxes are the best!! Big ones or small ones. Thanks goodness for boxes.