Sunday, December 1, 2019

December News Letter

Happy Holidays from TCC!
December is finally here!    Many of us celebrate this month – no matter what your beliefs are, December is a month of celebrating – Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever…’s all about LOVE and KINDNESS and GIVING.
Tabby Cat Club hopes your holiday dreams come true and we hope you will join us in celebrating.
December Special Days
DECEMBER 4 – “Caption This” (you provide the photo and we provide the caption!)
DECEMBER 18 – “Letters to Santa” (hosted by Noelle of Friends Furever – Noelle invites all of you to share your letter to Santa with of photo of you READY for Christmas)
DECEMBER 24 – Gracie will read “Twas The Night Before Christmas” (see all about this further down in the Newsletter!!) AND you should post a photo of how you celebrate December 24th
December 31 – “New Year’s Eve Party” with your hosts, Gracie, Raz and Teddy (post a photo of you with a party hat OR let us know your New Year’s Resolution in your post)

This year we’re giving our folks Christmas Day off to celebrate with friends and family.   We understand that many of you may have other traditions for the holiday, and celebrate in different ways…..If you’d like to host an event based on YOUR holiday this month, let Gracie know and she will send out a special announcement to everyone for your event.

Featured Tabby  -  We don’t have a Featured Cat for December BUT we would love it if you would step up and be our “Star” for one of the newsletter issues.   Tell us how you came to be with your family, your likes and dislikes, anything you want to share with us including a photo of you.    It’s our way of “Getting To Know You” – even though we are one big family of Tabbies we would love to learn MORE about each other.    Just let Gracie or me (Teddy) know you’d like to be a Featured Tabby and we’ll make it happen.
Special Info about Gracie’s “Twas The Night Before Christmas” event – First of all this is a NEW event that we will do every year from now on.   Gracie will read the story but we’ll add a little “twist”!    How about YOU being part of the story?    Just send Gracie your photo and let her know you’d love to be included and she will make you part of this classic and traditional tale.    GET YOUR PHOTO TO HER NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 18th PLEASE!!!
Next Month – What’s Coming?
Certainly the month of January is a “start over” kind of month.    We begin the year 2020 which almost sounds like science fiction but it’s true.    We hope it’s a super special year ahead for all of us and our human families too.     New Year’s Eve is a traditional time for NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS.    Are you making any?    We hope one of the resolutions you make is to become more active with us are at the Tabby Cat Club.    Gracie invites you to let her know if you’d like to see any changes here or if you have any ideas to make it “THE DESTINATION” for members to visit more regularly.     We Tabbies know how to have a good time and that’s what the Club is all about.
Miscellaneous -  Gracie will be working on the Headers for the Tabby Cat Club and would like to feature TCC members in the Header each month.   Would you like to be a STAR in a TCC Header?   Let Gracie know – send her a photo – and you will be the envy of all the Tabbies reading one of our newsletters. 
*** From Gracie ***
“I want to wish you and your family all the happiness and many blessings for the holidays and into the new year………….!”
~ Gracie

Happy Holidays From Me – Teddy - Your TCC Repurrrrrter


Ingrid said...

I haven't prepared anything for Christmas, besides a new header on my blog ! I can't find the site anymore who made it possible to put Christmas hats or other things on the cat photos !

pilch92 said...

You are a great reporter Teddy! Sounds like a lot of fun events.

Pam and Teddy said...

Gattina you could try the online (no download) which lets you put fun things on your kitty photos!

Hugs, Teddy

Kitties Blue said...

Great newsletter. W are looking forward to all the upcoming events. And we absolutely love the Christmas header. Cooper Murphy couldn't believe he is the star of the background. Thanks, Gracie. We will both send you photos so that we may be part of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. Hugs, Sawyer and Cooper Murphy

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I thought Cooper Murphy made such a cute snowcat I had to have for our background. So happy he liked it!!