Friday, January 6, 2012

Grace - alone at last!

Thanks to everyone for the New Year wishes. We wish everycat and everybean in TabbyCatClub an absolutely wonderful 2012!!

Grace has been much happier lately since her sons have their own beds to snooze in - and not hog hers!! Doesn't she look happier?


Michelle said...

I love her green eyes.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

yes green eyez am the bestest!!

Blue Eyez tie fur bestest tho.

Happy New Year!!!

fyi... the Mom is doing better!
Hur tooks sumpinz called Probiotic-10 (Now Brand) with 10 strains of good bugz! And dey ate all da bad bugz up!

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

But Miri needz morh purrz... her mammary glands am still swollen. They are supposed to go down by now... after her lady surgery.

Katie Kat

Unknown said...

Grace looks happy and relaxed in her own bed. It is nice to see a red tabby female. I used to have a cat like this when I was a kid, and my brother had one until recently. Both cats had a lovely temperament and your photo reminds me of them.

haopee said...

I believe content is the best term to describe it. Wow, rest at last. Great job for making Grace comfy, guys.

Huggies and Cheese,


HH and The Boys said...

Grace... that's a wonderful bed you've got there and such a sweet picture.

pawhugs, Max

Jans Funny Farm said...

It is nice to have your own bed, Grace. Sleep well.

Angel Simba said...

What a sweetie ginger girl you are, Grace!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Grace looks like one happy sweet little mommie! What a pumpkin!!

meowmeowmans said...

What beautiful green eyes Grace has! And yes, she absolutely looks more relaxed and happy. :)

Happy New Year!

Kippy Marrie said...

Voce é muito fofa... estou seguindo seu blog. Espero que goste de mim e venha seguir meu blog também.
Te espero com amor....
Aus da amiga do Brasil...


Leanne said...

A cat site! I LOVE my silver tabby. I'll be back... :)

Princess Jasmine said...

What beautiful, mezmerizing green eyes :)xx

Cindy Adkins said... sweet. I used to have an orange tabby named Otis. He was such a funny, smart cat! He looked just like Grace!
Hugs, Cindy

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Grace you do look happy! It shows in your beautiful green eyes.

All4UrPet said...

Wow Grace looks great! The sons and daughters have to move out eventually... isn't that always the case? It's usually a sad and happy day for the mom, but I'm glad Grace is taking the happier side of the equation! Happy to have her own space again (I certainly know how that feels too!) :)


All4UrPet Representative

Check out the App store for Android and iPhone to download our mobile application! Simply search All4UrPet.

Keiko said...

Wow!!! Hello Tabby Cat Club! We are from the Kitty Quartet and a new duo called Wild Tabby!
Can wee join pleeeease?!

Purrrrs from
Ryker Ryuichi and Myvi Mami

Keiko said...

Grace is so pretty. We love her eye and coat colour combination. So stylish!
purrs, KQ

Ingrid said...

Yes, she looks quiet content that her sons moved out finally, lol ! said...

Grace is a gorgeous girl.
Tommie, Grace Lillian, and Mickey Mouser are my Tabby Cats at home. We have regular meetings with refreshments many times during the day. Come on by!

A Tonl said...

Mowzers! Such beeYOOtiful green eyes, Grace!