Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ducky at The VET

 Yeah, it may be take your pet to the vet day, but I am not going! At least not today. I did my annual visit back in February near my Gotcha Day. That is when mum schedules it. 

Me being shy and staying in my PTU when we first get there. At the old stabby place I used to get out and explore and then try to hide. I didn't get far.

When I first get there they check me in a give mum a blankie that has nice smelling stuff to keep me calm. So mum just lets me chill on the exam table. 

Nice and modern, even a puter in the room to make notes with right away on the record. Keep track of stuff like weight and any medicines given or vaccines. 

Then the exam, getting my toothies and gums looked at. Must be doing OK as I haven't had to have a dental yet in my life!

So as long as I stay healthy, I only go once a year. In the past mum has always been able to come insdie with me, not sure what things will be like next year when I have to go for my visit. I hope mum can come inside with me. 


Pam and Teddy said...

You get a calming blankie? that's a treat! I'm wondering when I go to have my shots next month if Mom can come with me or not. Probably not!

I'm glad you go for regular checkups - it's impawtant!

Hugs, Teddy

Martyna said...

Beautiful cat😊

The Florida Furkids said...

It looks like your VET office is a pretty nice place.

The Florida Furkids

catladymac said...

The calming blanket is such a great idea ! We hope iut catches on with more vets !

M. K. Clinton said...

A calming blankie is such a great idea! We try to only go to the vet once a year but we seem to end up there a couple of extra times against our will. Stay healthy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the purrs and POTP on Big Boys blog today. you look so pretty on that comfy blanket.. glad you don't have to go today,