The weather was extremely hot on that fateful day of August 2, 2008. Mommy and Whisky were taking their evening stroll and decided on that day to walk another round around the field behind the house...and that was when she heard a distinct mew. They stopped and listened. And heard it again. Tiny baby mews.They peered into the drain and found Cosmo mewing pathetically and Ling was just sitting there, silent.
Mommy noted that there was this huge plastic bag with a ripped out hole at its side next to us. She thinks someone must have dumped us in the drain and we managed to get out of the bag but not out of the drain. We were just around 5 weeks old then. Weak and dehydrated, Mommy picked the both of us up and took us home, then to the vet. We were covered in fleas, full of worms and Ling had an eye infection.
Cosmo at the front, Ling at the back Here we are, a day after being scooped out from the drain |
Well, we were supposed to have been put up for adoption because Daddy didn't want cats. But as soon as he laid eyes on us...well, Ling actually, his heart was stolen and that's how we ended up staying!
We refused to go near Mommy and Daddy for the first few weeks. We were terrified of them! But with lots of patience, love and time, we eventually got over our fear of them. However, we are still terrified of strangers.
Tiny Cosmo who grew and grew! |
The little girl who stole her Daddy's heart |
After Cosmo returned from being hospitalized for blockage, Ling hissed and hissed at him. Finally, several days later, love prevailed. I love this picture even if it's blurry |
Cosmo has grown into a handsome mancat |
No longer able to fit her entire body on my computer keyboard, Ling has to settle for just having her paw on it |
How absolutely precious! And isn't everyone happy that you took that extra turn around that field? How marvelous!
And both babies grew up so beautifully! Fantastic!!
Grace & Marilynn
OMC, you both were so tiny, so precious, so adorable....and we're SO glad you were rescued and have a wonderful forever home!
No wonder you stole your Daddy's heart you are both so beautiful. Thank goodness your Mommy decided to walk that extra round and found you both.
We are delighted to have met you and got to know you both.
Luv Lucy xx
Such beautiful photos, and what a touching story. I hope you are both grateful to your kind humans for taking care of you and giving you a forever home.
SQUEEEEE (that's Mom) you two were such cutie pies!!!! We're so glad your Mom and Dad's hearts got stolen and you got such a good forever home.
The Florida Furkids
Thank heavens that Mom found you. You sure were two cute kitties and grew up so good looking. Love the pictures. Take care.
We are so glad your Dad said your could stay and that your Mom found you.
You were beautiful precious babies and you still are. Your mom and dad are beautiful and precious for allowing you and others, like my Boomie, into their hearts. xoxoxoxo
Ling and Cosmo! Oh you beauties! Me and Charlie are so so sad you were both thrown away like rubbish when you were kitties! :-(
So we are SOOOOOOO glad mum and dad were there to rescue you two. We love how you've both stolen their hearts and are now gorgeous beautiful adorable kitties! Yay!! Thank you for sharing your amazing story here! Take care
God must have been watching over you that day, making sure your mom heard your cries. Thank God she found you and brought you home with her. Now, you've got the best of families and all is well in the world.
Oh I am so glad your mom decided to take another round of walk and found you two! You were so tiny! And super cute - no wonder daddy's heart was stolen :-) You had a rough start in your life but I'm very happy you are now with your wonderful family!!
What a special story. Thanks for sharing it!
Nubbin wiggles,
Hi Ling and Cosmo,
OMC! Look how little you two were! :)
We are so happy you were rescued and gotcha'd into such a loving forever home.
Moosey and Dad
What a beautiful story of how your family became your family! ...Daddy never had a chance. hehe! We are so happy and grateful you were rescued. And what a wonderful forever home you have now.
xoxo Katie and Glogirly
How funny your dad fell in love with you instead of putting you up for adoption. :)
How could someone have dumped you two cuties?? What a great story of how you got gotted!
So precious! Mommy enjoys seein littermates. None of us are related by blood, just by luf.
this was the most beautiful story EVER!!!
How someone could have done something like that to the both of you is unfathomable.
on the good side, if it hadn't happened, you would have never had such a wonderful and caring home.
Cosmo and Ling, your guardian angel was truly watching over you that day! :-)
I'm mad at mommy. I fink she never hit send in our comment several days ago and so that makes me doubly glad I came back via FB to see. I will fire her if she keeps that up!
It was meant to be. That is why your folks took a different way for their walk and soooooooo lucky for all of you to have found each other!!!!! Makes my heart grow two times bigger than it already is hearing this lovely story.
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