Saturday, May 30, 2020

Hug Your Cat Day With Teddy

Hugging.........a form of expressing LOVE!

Both of the photos below were taken during the first two weeks I came to live in my FOREVER HOME - I didn't know what hugs were so I wasn't all-together comfortable in someone's arms.   I learned over time that's how humans express love.    Now I "GET IT" !!
I'm trying to relax Mom!
Hey Dad - the view up here is different from the one on the floor!

NEVER TURN DOWN A  HUG............
Don't forget now - your kitty is counting on you!

Love, Teddy


CRYSTAL said...

We thought everyday was "Hug Your Cat Day"?? hope your cats gets lots of hugs.

messymimi said...

Gotta love hugging a cat. Just be gentle and let the cat decide when the hug is over, trust me.

Pam and Teddy said...

Yep - cats love hugs but only on THEIR terms! HAHAHAHA

Ingrid said...

I get the impression that ginger cats are especially cuddly ! My cat is not so for cuddles and she is the only one we still have.

Ananka said...

Yup everyday is hug day!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Such sweet photos. I know you get a zillion hugs every day and well deserved I must say.