Tuesday, April 24, 2012
What Human Profession Would Sassy Be?
Kitties, I know what human profession I should be. I would make a great Greta Garbo impressionist. She is the 1930's actress who made the line "I want to be alone" famous. I HATE strangers! I really prefer to be by myself and left alone! Plus, since she was considered one of the great beauties of the time - there is of course another similarity. Amazing don't you think?
Monday, April 23, 2012
What Would My Profession be?
I've never wanted to be anything else.
Inspector Oui Oui at your service!
They just have to be real jobs.
They just have to be real jobs.
What Would My Human Profession Be?
I have been doing a lot of thinking about what I would want my human profession to be. I have decidded that I would give typing lessons. I would require my students to be able to type 60 words a minute without any errors. The second requirement for them to do before they were to receive their certifiate of typing would be to work for me for 40 free hours on my blog. This would require them to post, upload photos, and visit my friends. This would assure me that I would have help doing as I neeed and said instead of the mom here who works for me when she wants to. Good idea yes?
What Human Profession Would Socks Be Best At?
I think I would make an excellent Landscape Architect. What does a Landscape Architect do? Landscape architects plan and design land areas for parks, recreational facilities, highways, airports, and other properties. I has been instrumental in helping Mommy plan and design both the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden and the Hummingbird Cottage. I thinks I already has an impressive resume. What do you think?
In case any of you are interested in the professions I thinks my siblings would be best at. Scylla should be a taste tester she loves to eat and she is very finicky. If Scylla eats it, it has to be GOOD. Artemisia would make a great movie star, she has that quality about her that has everyone drooling over her and Fenris well he would be Artemisia's bodyguard.
Socks from Alasandra, The Cats & A Dog
In case any of you are interested in the professions I thinks my siblings would be best at. Scylla should be a taste tester she loves to eat and she is very finicky. If Scylla eats it, it has to be GOOD. Artemisia would make a great movie star, she has that quality about her that has everyone drooling over her and Fenris well he would be Artemisia's bodyguard.
Socks from Alasandra, The Cats & A Dog
What Profession Would Kizzie Be?
I dun a norty! Oh no, I'm on the wrong blog. Seriously, though. Without a doubt, my favourite occupation is roaming, so I would be an explorer. My latest adventure into unchartered territory was a patch of rough near to home.
Once over the fence, I was indistinguishable from a tiger in a jungle.
If I was a human I would be able to travel much further, but being a cat, I never like to stray far from a comfy bed and a tasty meal.
United Kingdom
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I was living in the woods with my Momcat and brothers and sisters. I was the runt of the litter and never seemed to get enough to eat. One day when I was about 11 weeks old, we were crossing a yard on the edge of the woods, and a lady came out of the house. My Momcat ran away with my brothers and sisters and left me. But the lady had some yummy food and called me. I went to her, she picked me up, and it was love at first sight. That was 14 years ago.
Grace as a super-young momma
On Sunday, we posted to celebrate the MOMMA in Grace ~ and I think she's very happy to have all that in the past! Our vet estimated that she was about 10 months old when she had those four babies, so she probably came to live with me when she was about a year old.
Grace and her babies in April, 2006 ~
This was taken a couple of weeks after she came to live with me, about mid-June, 2006 ~ she had had her lady-garden-ectomy and was still VERY thin. She recovered well, though, and is a very loving and beautiful lady now!
Here are two photos of Grace with grandbean Austen in July, 2006 ~
By November, 2006, she had filled out nicely ... now that "those boys" weren't nursing any more!!
We love and celebrate our Grace in this house!!
Remembering The Way We Were - Cosmo and Ling
The weather was extremely hot on that fateful day of August 2, 2008. Mommy and Whisky were taking their evening stroll and decided on that day to walk another round around the field behind the house...and that was when she heard a distinct mew. They stopped and listened. And heard it again. Tiny baby mews.They peered into the drain and found Cosmo mewing pathetically and Ling was just sitting there, silent.
Mommy noted that there was this huge plastic bag with a ripped out hole at its side next to us. She thinks someone must have dumped us in the drain and we managed to get out of the bag but not out of the drain. We were just around 5 weeks old then. Weak and dehydrated, Mommy picked the both of us up and took us home, then to the vet. We were covered in fleas, full of worms and Ling had an eye infection.
Mommy noted that there was this huge plastic bag with a ripped out hole at its side next to us. She thinks someone must have dumped us in the drain and we managed to get out of the bag but not out of the drain. We were just around 5 weeks old then. Weak and dehydrated, Mommy picked the both of us up and took us home, then to the vet. We were covered in fleas, full of worms and Ling had an eye infection.
Cosmo at the front, Ling at the back Here we are, a day after being scooped out from the drain |
Well, we were supposed to have been put up for adoption because Daddy didn't want cats. But as soon as he laid eyes on us...well, Ling actually, his heart was stolen and that's how we ended up staying!
We refused to go near Mommy and Daddy for the first few weeks. We were terrified of them! But with lots of patience, love and time, we eventually got over our fear of them. However, we are still terrified of strangers.
Tiny Cosmo who grew and grew! |
The little girl who stole her Daddy's heart |
After Cosmo returned from being hospitalized for blockage, Ling hissed and hissed at him. Finally, several days later, love prevailed. I love this picture even if it's blurry |
Cosmo has grown into a handsome mancat |
No longer able to fit her entire body on my computer keyboard, Ling has to settle for just having her paw on it |
Remember When
Where do I start with my life here with my folks? I suspose at the beginning, that would be July 7, 2009. You see the first six months of my life were not easy . . . we are not sure what happened but I know that I was on my own . . . it wasn't working very well until that fantastic day when I heard a family in their backyard having a picinic . . .
. . . the people that lived at this picinic place always fed the outside kitties only to have their hearts broken when they would one day never return, I found this out later. I have heard the mom talk about all of the tears she shed when one of them would come up missing and she said no more feeding a stray cat any more. Well, since I was now at their house I thought this not a very good rule . . . probably if I knew of this rule I might not have stopped by . . .
The head man of the group outside noticed right away that I was starving. He wanted to feed me but the woman here said NO! And I say very rude of her, what did I ever do to her!! The man said that I was so skinny and needed food, he thought the rice krispie treat that I stole from their grandbean (and yes I feel bad about taking it from her now) was not enough nutrution for me and he was going to give me something to eat. Well I quickly picked up my ears and liked what I was hearing.
Well the not wanting woman, later to be my mom, was yaking and yaking at him and said if he fed me then I was her cat! She was not going to have her heart broken anymore by loving an outside kittie and have them MIA . . . bla . . . bla . . . .bla. Never again. She told the man, later to be my dad, that this cat would be part of the family! Phew, I couldn't believe what I was hearing!!
Well, after the food bowl came out the yaking woman stopped with the noise and just cuddled me. It felt soooooooo beyond great! I knew this was a start of something . . .
To my surprise after the food came out the woman here brought out a toy for me to play with. I thought that was mighty sweet of her. I decided then and there that if she couldn't talk that guy in letting me be their inside kittie I would stay outside near the house and never ever leave them. Gee, who would want to pass up on this place?
I had underestimated the woman here. She finally put her foot down and said to the man and I quote, "You fed the cat, the cat in mine. If the cat cannot be inside then you will built the cat a place to live outside where it will be safe from harm and cannot run away. It would be a big pen, screened in, and it would be near the house." That was so much easier than I thought it would be. I think by this point I was actually smiling . . .
Soon after that wonderful meeting there was a trip to the vet for a check up, shots, and to find out I was a girl. Next was the surgery thing which when I had it I had to stay inside for ten days. That was just the window of opportunity that the mom and I need to both work our magic on the dad . . . and the rest as some say is history . . . I have a most wonderful life here and don't even remember a thing about being on my own for those first few months of my life.
My folks are great and I have them wrapped around my paws, as they should be. But you know what? They have me wrapped around their hearts!
First Photo of Me~ 7 July 2009
Little did I know that by following their voices or smelling their food, not sure which right now, that my life would change furever . . . for the bestest of the best . . .
You can see by this photo my ribs are showing, you could count them if you look really hard.
. . . the people that lived at this picinic place always fed the outside kitties only to have their hearts broken when they would one day never return, I found this out later. I have heard the mom talk about all of the tears she shed when one of them would come up missing and she said no more feeding a stray cat any more. Well, since I was now at their house I thought this not a very good rule . . . probably if I knew of this rule I might not have stopped by . . .
Working my magic and casting my spell.
The head man of the group outside noticed right away that I was starving. He wanted to feed me but the woman here said NO! And I say very rude of her, what did I ever do to her!! The man said that I was so skinny and needed food, he thought the rice krispie treat that I stole from their grandbean (and yes I feel bad about taking it from her now) was not enough nutrution for me and he was going to give me something to eat. Well I quickly picked up my ears and liked what I was hearing.
My first meal here! Oh boy was it ever good!!
Well the not wanting woman, later to be my mom, was yaking and yaking at him and said if he fed me then I was her cat! She was not going to have her heart broken anymore by loving an outside kittie and have them MIA . . . bla . . . bla . . . .bla. Never again. She told the man, later to be my dad, that this cat would be part of the family! Phew, I couldn't believe what I was hearing!!
Didn't have to work my magic on this one~she fell for me right away.
Pay no attention to the stupid look on her face~remember she was under my spell.
Still trying to work my magic on this guy. He was not as easy as the woman.
Strange how things change, I thought he would be the push over.
Just love this photo . . . this was the moment!
I had underestimated the woman here. She finally put her foot down and said to the man and I quote, "You fed the cat, the cat in mine. If the cat cannot be inside then you will built the cat a place to live outside where it will be safe from harm and cannot run away. It would be a big pen, screened in, and it would be near the house." That was so much easier than I thought it would be. I think by this point I was actually smiling . . .
First photo taken INSIDE the house.
This is the same day that I came across the picinic!
My folks are great and I have them wrapped around my paws, as they should be. But you know what? They have me wrapped around their hearts!
The Way We Were in 2006 - Simba and Audrey
We have put our post on our blog, showing pictures of our selves in 2006. Neither of is was adopted as a kitten, and Mom was scrolling through the pictures she had of both of us and came across one of Audrey that she took at her first Mom's house a 1000 miles away, and one taken of Simba a few days later. You can view the post here
Remembering the Way We Were
This is my very first solo picture
and me saying
do I have to pose for another one?
and the last one
is me and my sisfur when we had just arrived at our furever home
Moosey - The Way We Were
Hi Everybuddy!
Mommy and Daddy always tell me and my brother Sammy that we must have been really cute when we were kittens. Sammy and I are pretty sure they're right, but since they adopted us both as adult cats, they don't have any actual pictorial proof.
Mommy and Daddy first met me while they were volunteering at PAWS. I had been part of a group of cats that PAWS rescued from a kill shelter (thank COD!). All of us cats in that group had to be treated for ringworm, so believe it or not, my luxurious white furs used to be sort of yellow, with a sulfur-y smell. Even with those treatments, we were all happy to be in a safe and loving place like PAWS. And all of us eventually got our very own forever homes. I fell in love with Mommy and Daddy, and they fell in love with me, too! :)
I'm so happy I was gotcha'd into such a good home. Here are some pictures from my original Gotcha Day (June 6, 2008).
Animal Shelter Volunteer Life
Mommy and Daddy always tell me and my brother Sammy that we must have been really cute when we were kittens. Sammy and I are pretty sure they're right, but since they adopted us both as adult cats, they don't have any actual pictorial proof.
Mommy and Daddy first met me while they were volunteering at PAWS. I had been part of a group of cats that PAWS rescued from a kill shelter (thank COD!). All of us cats in that group had to be treated for ringworm, so believe it or not, my luxurious white furs used to be sort of yellow, with a sulfur-y smell. Even with those treatments, we were all happy to be in a safe and loving place like PAWS. And all of us eventually got our very own forever homes. I fell in love with Mommy and Daddy, and they fell in love with me, too! :)
I'm so happy I was gotcha'd into such a good home. Here are some pictures from my original Gotcha Day (June 6, 2008).
Animal Shelter Volunteer Life
Socks ~ The Way We Were
This is me with Youngest Boy Bean (I am his cat), when I was a baby. I came to live with my family when I was 6 weeks old. He is a 21 year old GIANT now and I am a distinguished mancat in my prime. I came from Grandma's house like my sibling Artemisia, I was a lot shyer though. Mommy had to jump off the deck to catch me. Youngest Boy Bean pointed out the kitten he wanted and Mommy dove on me. Don't worry to much about it after she captured me she took me around front to the porch and feed me bacon, eggs, ham and cheese until I decided I liked her. I came home in this shoebox.
Mommy homeschooled the boys so I had to go to school too. I of course was the best student. ~Socks
Mommy homeschooled the boys so I had to go to school too. I of course was the best student. ~Socks
The Way We Were
Thanks to Kizzie for hosting today's event, "The Way We Were!"
Our human doesn't actually have pics of us when we were tiny babies, because each of us was adopted (at different times) when we were 6 months old.
We do, however, have a couple of collages to share, though you'll already have seen Nicki's from his Gotcha Day post on April 12th.
Biggifying both collages is best!
Our personalities were quite evident, though: Nicki, the naughty boy, full of self-confidence and silliness, and Derry the lazier quieter smoochy boy.
The mom says we both were adorable, though, in our own special ways.
Happy Wednesday!
Purrs and universal Blessings, Light and Mercy to All Beings.
-Nicki and Derry at Fuzzy Tales
Remembering The Way We Were
This is Cody!!
I adopted him just two weeks after losing my Angel Bobo
who I shared my life with for 18 years.
Look at Cody's precious face!
Who could resist this cuddle-bucket!?
To this day he STILL is a cuddler!
He is my special gift
that was sent to me from
my Angel Bobo to help heal my broken heart.
Remembering the Way We Were with Tamir
Hi Tabby Cat Club pals and visiting furiends, Tamir here.
Todays Event is Remembering the Way we Were hosted by Kizzie. I wanted to share some of my baby pictures. These are all scans so they aren't great, but Mom says my baby cuteness comes through loud and clear!
Here I am with my older brofur Baschert. We were both adopted from the same rescue - Animal Placement Agency of the Windsors. Baschert came to Mom about a year before I did and taught me how to wrap Mom around my little paws!
Here I am with Baschert and Mom's woofie Katie and SANTA!!! You can see how happy I am to be there!
Did you know I was a show cat once? Mom says this is the show I became a MANCAT at. I won a ribbon for doing something "inappropriate" in the cage!!! Fortunately, Mom said I was already scheduled for my Hoo-ha-ectomy!
This is one of Mom's favorites. That rocker is from when she was a little girl (yep....eleventy billion years ago) She makes squeeing noises whenever she sees this picture!
I hope you enjoyed my Way We Were post! Mom had fun going through old pictures to do this post for me!!
Todays Event is Remembering the Way we Were hosted by Kizzie. I wanted to share some of my baby pictures. These are all scans so they aren't great, but Mom says my baby cuteness comes through loud and clear!
Here I am with my older brofur Baschert. We were both adopted from the same rescue - Animal Placement Agency of the Windsors. Baschert came to Mom about a year before I did and taught me how to wrap Mom around my little paws!
Here I am with Baschert and Mom's woofie Katie and SANTA!!! You can see how happy I am to be there!
Did you know I was a show cat once? Mom says this is the show I became a MANCAT at. I won a ribbon for doing something "inappropriate" in the cage!!! Fortunately, Mom said I was already scheduled for my Hoo-ha-ectomy!
This is one of Mom's favorites. That rocker is from when she was a little girl (yep....eleventy billion years ago) She makes squeeing noises whenever she sees this picture!
I hope you enjoyed my Way We Were post! Mom had fun going through old pictures to do this post for me!!
Kizzie - Remembering The Way We Were
Welcome to "Remembering The Way We Were". I have been looking forward to this event - the perfect
excuse for sharing some photos of me that you may not have seen before. Feel free to copy this badge for your own blog.
Here I am, soon after arrival at my forever home, on my cat gym. I felt safe on here, especially when any small humans got a bit lively or noisy. I was 9 weeks old on this photo, and couldn’t get up this high (3 foot) on my own. I had to be lifted – then, to get down, I had to do something complicated with the springy things at the side, that have the fluffy balls dangling off them.
On this photo you can see how much I grew in about 6 weeks. I was the smallest of the litter and am still quite small for a grown up cat. Both me and the little bean seem to be able to look cute no matter how old we get.
Remembering The Way We Were
United Kingdom
Sunday, April 15, 2012
It's the MOMMAS who should be celebrated on birthdays, yes?
Here's Grace - almost 6 years ago when her kittens were about 6 weeks old. This is the first photo I saw of her, and I immediately knew I loved her!
And here she is as her grown-up self! She's not nearly so thin, and she's not raising babies anymore!!
We celebrate Grace in our house - especially on her babies' arbitrarily chosen birthdays - TODAY!! After all, isn't it the momma who does all the work?
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