Hi everyone! I'm Lola and I'm very honored and excited to be a part of TCC! I'm a tabby (of course!) and I have very long whiskers and white socks. And a very long, elegant tail as well. (My tail was one of the first things Mommy commented on when she first met me.)
I'm a rescued kitty. I had a rough start at life when I was thrown in a dumpster when I was six months old. After being rescued I got very sick in the shelter, but I found my Fairy Godmother and she rescued me. When Mommy saw my picture on the internet she came to meet me and the rest is history! All that sad stuff is now behind me and I'm a very happy cat in a happy home. I am proud to be a spokescat for animal rescue and respect. My sister Lexy, who is also a rescue, adds her voice to our cause.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
Mellow Monday
I'm being really mellow today. My human came home after class and brought me a treat. Now I am curled up beside her purring loudly while she types for me. We are expecting snow today so she and I are just going to chill and be mellow all day.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Introducing New TCC Member: Coco, The Couture Cat
My formal name is Furrydance Colours Cove, and I am a Cornish Rex cat. I was born on September 29, 2005. My beautiful coat color is called Brown Patched Tabby, and it accentuates my exotic look, don't you think?
For a girly-girl, I have a streak of tomboy in me, as I have three brothers. They don't live with me any longer, but I do have two handsome bodyguards, Disco NoFurNo and Brighton. Early in life, I was groomed to become a show cat, but that wasn't my cup of tea. I took some time off to be a mother, and now enjoy showing off for the world instead of cat show judges, hahameow!
I travel across the country, attending fundraising pet fashion shows, pet blogger and social media conferences, and cat shows as a 'Pet Me' cat, in my Pink Catillac! It seems I have found my niche in being an ambassador for kitties in need, raising awareness in my own unique fashionable way!
There has even been a book based on my fabulous lifestyle, The Adventures of Coco le Chat, The World's Most Fashionable Feline. You can find out more about me and my adventures and my book on my blog, www.cococouturecat.com
And I am very purroud to be a member of the Tabby Cat Club! I hear you are a very norty bunch of stripy kitties!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Top of the day to you!
Welcome to the TCC St. Patrick's Day Celebration!

On St Patrick's Day everyone is Irish!
Grab a plate and help yourself to an Irish food feast . . .
Before you have the main part of our St. Patrick's dinner I have a little entertainment for you. My niece, Anya, and good friend Allie are watching to make sure I don't make any mistakes.
OK, time to eat now.
Irish Lamb Stew
Shepherds Pie
Thanks for spending St. Patrick's Day here at the club.
Hope you all had a great time.
With that being said I have a little saying to pass on to you . .
If you partied today at the TCC please take a Participation Award with you when you leave.
Coco, Wearing o' the Green (much to her chagrin!)
Coco says 'This Isn't Couture!"
And this oversized bow hides my fabulous FrootBats!
What, is that a Green Tribble next to me?!
Oh noes...not a wig! Did you get that at the Dollar Store?
Hoping your St Purrdy's Day was filled with lots of green... Catnip!
Luck 'O The Irish!
Aye......'tis Sammy O'Kimmell reporting in on this fine misty mornin' wishin' each and every one of you, whether you're a member of the clan of the redheaded Irish kitties or not, a most happy, and lucky Saint Patrick's Day!
I brought some Irish snacks to share with you today.........I hope you enjoy a "bit 'o the Irish" with me?
Irish lamb stew..............yum!
A beautiful Shamrock/Rainbow cake!
May I leave you with a bit of Irish wisdom...........
Have a lucky, pot of gold kind of day!
Sammy O'Kimmell, TCC Leprechaun
Get Your Jig On With CK
It’s a tradition on my blog StunningKeisha.com that I tell
Q: Why can't you borrow money from a leprechaun?
A: Because they're always a little short.
Q: Why don't you iron four-leaf clovers?
Q: Why don't you iron four-leaf clovers?
A: Because you don’t want to press your luck.
Q: Why does it take four Irishmen to change a lightbulb?
Q: Why does it take four Irishmen to change a lightbulb?
A: One to change the bulb. Four to remark about how grand the old bulb was.
Q: What's little and green and stuck to your bumper?
Q: What's little and green and stuck to your bumper?
A: A leprechaun who didn't look both ways.
and finally,
Q: Why did St. Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland?
and finally,
Q: Why did St. Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland?
A: Because he couldn't afford plane fare.
Now that I’ve tickled your funny bone, are you ready to get your jig on? Cathy O’Keisha has some authentic Irish music for your listening pleasure. One two three jig!
Come join the pawty at stunningkeisha.com for more leprechaun jokes and stunning Irish images. Everybuddy gets complimentary CK Irish Cream Whiskey—heavy on the cream.
Happy St. CATrick's Day! :)
Happy St. CATrick's Day, my Tabby Cat Club pals!
May you have the hindsight to know where you've been
the foresight to know where you're going
and the insight to know when you're going too far.
the foresight to know where you're going
and the insight to know when you're going too far.
Hugs and headbonks (and green catnip ale for everybuddy),
O'Moosey (and my sisfurs, O'Zoe and O'Gracie, too)
Happy St Patrick's Day
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of my TabbyCat Club friends!
Please grab a green nip beer and join me in singing an Irish favorite....
When Irish Eyes are Smiling!!!
Happy St Patrick's Day and thanks for joining me in my song!!
Razzle O'Dazzle
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