Hi evfurry we are so excited that
Sammy is hostin this fun event with TCC to show our baby picshures.
We haz a lot of picshures but they are all trapped in a broken hard drivez what needz to be fixed...so we has not got any of when Pickles was gotcha'd in the rescue..(which are sad anywho) or me when I waz first..then second..then third time on foster...
We did find this though..picshures of the when I waz adopted an just a wee ginger cat..and Pickles who waz a year old at the timez..you can see how much we haz grown...well I haz..MOL...

It waz this face mum couldn't resist..i waz just adorablez..

Even on foster I waz making myself at home...

Picklez waz my newest BFF when I waz a foster and she waz my mentor and ally in getting me a home (with her here MOL ) Pickles waz one year old here..see my little shaved tummy from my spay operashun...little soft smooth belly MOL

Thiz is why I came to stay! mum could not send me back fur adoption..she said I was already family...see I am the same size az Pickles..an Pickles iz STILL the same size MOL

My little kitty legs...MOL

Me an Pickles..Always BFF's....these pics are from 2007...an now we still snuggle..'cep I am much much bigger,,
So thankyou again Sammy and TCC ..for hostin the baby pics blogpost event....paw pats Dinnermint and Pickles xx
Our human is squeeing over all the pictures, doesn't matter that they aren't when you were tiny. They're wonderful! (P.S. Our human does love kitty thighs! She's weird. Ha.)
You were (and are) so cute!
Love The Pickles and Dinnermintz!
We love the cuddling pictures. ~Socks & Scylla
We love those pictures of you cuddling with Pickles. You guys are really BFF!
Squeee! xoxo
Girls it doesn't matter that your pics aren't when you were itty bitty, you are still so precious! You know we love you girls! (and Miss Cleo)
Marty and Ralphie
Oh those computer that broke and the hard drive has kept all the photos. Arghhhhh. Loved your photos especially the last one.
Cuddle pics are always sooo cute and even cuter with the two of you.
Thanks for pawticipating!
Aw, we LOVE your pics, even if you aren't tiny in them. I don't have any pics of me when I was tiny, since Mom and Dad adopted me when I was 6 years old.
Awwww......VERY squeeable - BOTH of you!!!!!
Hugs, Sammy
It really comes through that you two are good friends. That one of you two curled up is precious
Love you Dinnermintz and Pickles
Timmy and Fitz
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