Thank you Sammy, for hosting this fun squee worthy event!
Cosmo : Whisky and Mommy were walking around the playground behind the house when they heard tiny mews coming from the drain. The both of us were in the drain, tired from the mewing and dehydrated from the heat (we were too small to get out of the drain on our own). Mommy picked us up immediately and brought us home. This is one of the first photos of us (August 2, 2008)
Ling : For some reason, Cosmo found it comforting to sit on the *hot water bottle*. MOL! |
Ling : We were quite terrified of Mommy and Daddy and Whisky at first. We would hiss and hide from them so Mommy decided to just sit in the bathroom (our *room*) and read so we could get used to her. It took several weeks before we could relax in her presence |
Cosmo : And then we learned to play :) |
Cosmo : Ling escaped from the room one night and Mommy couldn't find her for hours! So that is why we wear collars with those big noisy bells! |
Cosmo : By now, we were allowed to venture out of our room and were quite attached to Mommy and Daddy. We also learned that Whisky was a kind, loving woofie sisfur and we warmed up to her too! |
Ling learning all about the World Wide Web |
Ling : Did I mention that the reason we were allowed to stay was because of me? I HISSED at Daddy the first time he saw me and he fell in love instantly (he had told Mommy he didn't want cats when she told him about finding us). MOL MOL MOL! I love my Daddy! |
Cosmo : I am more of a Mommy's boy and love to make biscuits on her. :) |
We hope you enjoyed our baby photos! These photos were taken in the first two months of us joining the Whisppy Family.
Oh Oh Oh cute overload... falling off my chair!
Oh ditto! Our human has just dissolved into a gooey mess on the floor.
What precious, precious photos and story!
bundles of tabby cuteness!
You two were so cute! What a wonderful Gotcha story too!
Awwwwwwww, you two certainly were wee ones. Loved your photos.
Weez luved yous fotos and youz story. So glad yous mommy and daddy saved youz boff.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Lexi
Who could resist your cuteness?
Thanks for pawticipating!
We love your gotcha story, cuties! And these pictures made Mommy and Daddy squee! :)
Oh how absolutely TOTALLY adorable you were! Still are too! What a great story - it takes time for us to trust humans...especially if anything bad happened to us before.
Hugs, Sammy
What a great story! We are both so very happy you were saved and now have such a loving home. You bet Ling Daddies are the best. Mommies are good too we just don't have one at our house
Timmy and Fitz
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